预览特效特效代码(JS)var THREE = THREE || {}; if (!self.Int32Array) self.Int32Array = Array, self.Float32Array = Array; THREE.Color = function(a) { a !== void 0 && this.setHex(a); return this }; THREE.Color.prototype = { constructor: THREE.Color, r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, copy: function(a) { this.r = a.r; this.g = a.g; this.b = a.b; return this }, copyGammaToLinear: function(a) { this.r = a.r * a.r; this.g = a.g * a.g; this.b = a.b * a.b; return this }, copyLinearToGamma: function(a) { this.r = Math.sqrt(a.r); this.g = Math.sqrt(a.g); this.b = Math.sqrt(a.b); return this }, setRGB: function(a, b, c) { this.r = a; this.g = b; this.b = c; return this }, setHSV: function(a, b, c) { var d, f, e; if (c === 0) this.r = this.g = this.b = 0; else switch (d = Math.floor(a * 6), f = a * 6 - d, a = c * (1 - b), e = c * (1 - b * f), b = c * (1 - b * (1 - f)), d) { case 1: this.r = e; this.g = c; this.b = a; break; case 2: this.r = a; this.g = c; this.b = b; break; case 3: this.r = a; this.g = e; this.b = c; break; case 4: this.r = b; this.g = a; this.b = c; break; case 5: this.r = c; this.g = a; this.b = e; break; case 6: case 0: this.r = c, this.g = b, this.b = a } return this }, setHex: function(a) { a = Math.floor(a); this.r = (a >> 16 & 255) / 255; this.g = (a >> 8 & 255) / 255; this.b = (a & 255) / 255; return this }, getHex: function() { return ~~(this.r * 255) << 16 ^ ~~(this.g * 255) << 8 ^ ~~(this.b * 255) }, getContextStyle: function() { return "rgb(" + Math.floor(this.r * 255) + "," + Math.floor(this.g * 255) + "," + Math.floor(this.b * 255) + ")" }, clone: function() { return (new THREE.Color).setRGB(this.r, this.g, this.b) } }; THREE.Vector2 = function(a, b) { this.x = a || 0; this.y = b || 0 }; THREE.Vector2.prototype = { constructor: THREE.Vector2, set: function(a, b) { this.x = a; this.y = b; return this }, copy: function(a) { this.x = a.x; this.y = a.y; return this }, clone: function() { return new THREE.Vector2(this.x, this.y) }, add: function(a, b) { this.x = a.x + b.x; this.y = a.y + b.y; return this }, addSelf: function(a) { this.x += a.x; this.y += a.y; return this }, sub: function(a, b) { this.x = a.x - b.x; this.y = a.y - b.y; return this }, subSelf: function(a) { this.x -= a.x; this.y -= a.y; return this }, multiplyScalar: function(a) { this.x *= a; this.y *= a; return this }, divideScalar: function(a) { a ? (this.x /= a, this.y /= a) : this.set(0, 0); return this }, negate: function() { return this.multiplyScalar(-1) }, dot: function(a) { return this.x * a.x + this.y * a.y }, lengthSq: function() { return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y }, length: function() { return Math.sqrt(this.lengthSq()) }, normalize: function() { return this.divideScalar(this.length()) }, distanceTo: function(a) { return Math.sqrt(this.distanceToSquared(a)) }, distanceToSquared: function(a) { var b = this.x - a.x, a = this.y - a.y; return b * b + a * a }, setLength: function(a) { return this.normalize().multiplyScalar(a) }, equals: function(a) { return a.x === this.x && a.y === this.y } }; THREE.Vector3 = function(a, b, c) { this.x = a || 0; this.y = b || 0; this.z = c || 0 }; THREE.Vector3.prototype = { constructor: THREE.Vector3, set: function(a, b, c) { this.x = a; this.y = b; this.z = c; return this }, setX: function(a) { this.x = a; return this }, setY: function(a) { this.y = a; return this }, setZ: function(a) { this.z = a; return this }, copy: function(a) { this.x = a.x; this.y = a.y; this.z = a.z; return this }, clone: function() { return new THREE.Vector3(this.x, this.y, this.z) }, add: function(a, b) { this.x = a.x + b.x; this.y = a.y + b.y; this.z = a.z + b.z; return this }, addSelf: function(a) { this.x += a.x; this.y += a.y; this.z += a.z; return this }, addScalar: function(a) { this.x += a; this.y += a; this.z += a; return this }, sub: function(a, b) { this.x = a.x - b.x; this.y = a.y - b.y; this.z = a.z - b.z; return this }, subSelf: function(a) { this.x -= a.x; this.y -= a.y; this.z -= a.z; return this }, multiply: function(a, b) { this.x = a.x * b.x; this.y = a.y * b.y; this.z = a.z * b.z; return this }, multiplySelf: function(a) { this.x *= a.x; this.y *= a.y; this.z *= a.z; return this }, multiplyScalar: function(a) { this.x *= a; this.y *= a; this.z *= a; return this }, divideSelf: function(a) { this.x /= a.x; this.y /= a.y; this.z /= a.z; return this }, divideScalar: function(a) { a ? (this.x /= a, this.y /= a, this.z /= a) : this.z = this.y = this.x = 0; return this }, negate: function() { return this.multiplyScalar(-1) }, dot: function(a) { return this.x * a.x + this.y * a.y + this.z * a.z }, lengthSq: function() { return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z }, length: function() { return Math.sqrt(this.lengthSq()) }, lengthManhattan: function() { return this.x + this.y + this.z }, normalize: function() { return this.divideScalar(this.length()) }, setLength: function(a) { return this.normalize().multiplyScalar(a) }, cross: function(a, b) { this.x = a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y; this.y = a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z; this.z = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x; return this }, crossSelf: function(a) { var b = this.x, c = this.y, d = this.z; this.x = c * a.z - d * a.y; this.y = d * a.x - b * a.z; this.z = b * a.y - c * a.x; return this }, distanceTo: function(a) { return Math.sqrt(this.distanceToSquared(a)) }, distanceToSquared: function(a) { return (new THREE.Vector3).sub(this, a).lengthSq() }, setPositionFromMatrix: function(a) { this.x = a.n14; this.y = a.n24; this.z = a.n34 }, setRotationFromMatrix: function(a) { var b = Math.cos(this.y); this.y = Math.asin(a.n13); Math.abs(b) > 1.0E-5 ? (this.x = Math.atan2(-a.n23 / b, a.n33 / b), this.z = Math.atan2(-a.n12 / b, a.n11 / b)) : (this.x = 0, this.z = Math.atan2(a.n21, a.n22)) }, isZero: function() { return this.lengthSq() < 1.0E-4 } }; THREE.Vector4 = function(a, b, c, d) { this.x = a || 0; this.y = b || 0; this.z = c || 0; this.w = d !== void 0 ? d : 1 }; THREE.Vector4.prototype = { constructor: THREE.Vector4, set: function(a, b, c, d) { this.x = a; this.y = b; this.z = c; this.w = d; return this }, copy: function(a) { this.x = a.x; this.y = a.y; this.z = a.z; this.w = a.w !== void 0 ? a.w : 1 }, clone: function() { return new THREE.Vector4(this.x, this.y, this.z, this.w) }, add: function(a, b) { this.x = a.x + b.x; this.y = a.y + b.y; this.z = a.z + b.z; this.w = a.w + b.w; return this }, addSelf: function(a) { this.x += a.x; this.y += a.y; this.z += a.z; this.w += a.w; return this }, sub: function(a, b) { this.x = a.x - b.x; this.y = a.y - b.y; this.z = a.z - b.z; this.w = a.w - b.w; return this }, subSelf: function(a) { this.x -= a.x; this.y -= a.y; this.z -= a.z; this.w -= a.w; return this }, multiplyScalar: function(a) { this.x *= a; this.y *= a; this.z *= a; this.w *= a; return this }, divideScalar: function(a) { a ? (this.x /= a, this.y /= a, this.z /= a, this.w /= a) : (this.z = this.y = this.x = 0, this.w = 1); return this }, negate: function() { return this.multiplyScalar(-1) }, dot: function(a) { return this.x * a.x + this.y * a.y + this.z * a.z + this.w * a.w }, lengthSq: function() { return this.dot(this) }, length: function() { return Math.sqrt(this.lengthSq()) }, normalize: function() { return this.divideScalar(this.length()) }, setLength: function(a) { return this.normalize().multiplyScalar(a) }, lerpSelf: function(a, b) { this.x += (a.x - this.x) * b; this.y += (a.y - this.y) * b; this.z += (a.z - this.z) * b; this.w += (a.w - this.w) * b; return this } }; THREE.Ray = function(a, b) { function c(a, b, c) { i.sub(c, a); p = i.dot(b); if (p <= 0) return null; k = n.add(a, o.copy(b).multiplyScalar(p)); return s = c.distanceTo(k) } function d(a, b, c, d) { i.sub(d, b); n.sub(c, b); o.sub(a, b); K = i.dot(i); C = i.dot(n); Q = i.dot(o); O = n.dot(n); w = n.dot(o); F = 1 / (K * O - C * C); z = (O * Q - C * w) * F; D = (K * w - C * Q) * F; return z >= 0 && D >= 0 && z + D < 1 } this.origin = a || new THREE.Vector3; this.direction = b || new THREE.Vector3; this.intersectScene = function(a) { return this.intersectObjects(a.children) }; this.intersectObjects = function(a) { var b, c, d = []; b = 0; for (c = a.length; b < c; b++) Array.prototype.push.apply(d, this.intersectObject(a[b])); d.sort(function(a, b) { return a.distance - b.distance }); return d }; var f = new THREE.Vector3, e = new THREE.Vector3, g = new THREE.Vector3, h = new THREE.Vector3, a = new THREE.Vector3, b = new THREE.Vector3, m = new THREE.Vector3, l = new THREE.Vector3, j = new THREE.Vector3; this.intersectObject = function(k) { for (var i, o = [], n = 0, W = k.children.length; n < W; n++) Array.prototype.push.apply(o, this.intersectObject(k.children[n])); if (k instanceof THREE.Particle) { n = c(this.origin, this.direction, k.matrixWorld.getPosition()); if (n === null || n > k.scale.x) return []; i = { distance: n, point: k.position, face: null, object: k }; o.push(i) } else if (k instanceof THREE.Mesh) { n = c(this.origin, this.direction, k.matrixWorld.getPosition()); if (n === null || n > k.geometry.boundingSphere.radius * Math.max(k.scale.x, Math.max(k.scale.y, k.scale.z))) return o; var p, G = k.geometry, H = G.vertices, I; k.matrixRotationWorld.extractRotation(k.matrixWorld); n = 0; for (W = G.faces.length; n < W; n++) if (i = G.faces[n], a.copy(this.origin), b.copy(this.direction), I = k.matrixWorld, m = I.multiplyVector3(m.copy(i.centroid)).subSelf(a), p = m.dot(b), !(p <= 0) && (f = I.multiplyVector3(f.copy(H[i.a].position)), e = I.multiplyVector3(e.copy(H[i.b].position)), g = I.multiplyVector3(g.copy(H[i.c].position)), i instanceof THREE.Face4 && (h = I.multiplyVector3(h.copy(H[i.d].position))), l = k.matrixRotationWorld.multiplyVector3(l.copy(i.normal)), p = b.dot(l), k.doubleSided || (k.flipSided ? p > 0 : p < 0))) if (p = l.dot(m.sub(f, a)) / p, j.add(a, b.multiplyScalar(p)), i instanceof THREE.Face3) d(j, f, e, g) && (i = { distance: a.distanceTo(j), point: j.clone(), face: i, object: k }, o.push(i)); else if (i instanceof THREE.Face4 && (d(j, f, e, h) || d(j, e, g, h))) i = { distance: a.distanceTo(j), point: j.clone(), face: i, object: k }, o.push(i) } return o }; var i = new THREE.Vector3, n = new THREE.Vector3, o = new THREE.Vector3, p, k, s, K, C, Q, O, w, F, z, D }; THREE.Rectangle = function() { function a() { e = d - b; g = f - c } var b, c, d, f, e, g, h = !0; this.getX = function() { return b }; this.getY = function() { return c }; this.getWidth = function() { return e }; this.getHeight = function() { return g }; this.getLeft = function() { return b }; this.getTop = function() { return c }; this.getRight = function() { return d }; this.getBottom = function() { return f }; this.set = function(e, g, j, i) { h = !1; b = e; c = g; d = j; f = i; a() }; this.addPoint = function(e, g) { h ? (h = !1, b = e, c = g, d = e, f = g) : (b = b < e ? b : e, c = c < g ? c : g, d = d > e ? d : e, f = f > g ? f : g); a() }; this.add3Points = function(e, g, j, i, n, o) { h ? (h = !1, b = e < j ? e < n ? e : n : j < n ? j : n, c = g < i ? g < o ? g : o : i < o ? i : o, d = e > j ? e > n ? e : n : j > n ? j : n, f = g > i ? g > o ? g : o : i > o ? i : o) : (b = e < j ? e < n ? e < b ? e : b : n < b ? n : b : j < n ? j < b ? j : b : n < b ? n : b, c = g < i ? g < o ? g < c ? g : c : o < c ? o : c : i < o ? i < c ? i : c : o < c ? o : c, d = e > j ? e > n ? e > d ? e : d : n > d ? n : d : j > n ? j > d ? j : d : n > d ? n : d, f = g > i ? g > o ? g > f ? g : f : o > f ? o : f : i > o ? i > f ? i : f : o > f ? o : f); a() }; this.addRectangle = function(e) { h ? (h = !1, b = e.getLeft(), c = e.getTop(), d = e.getRight(), f = e.getBottom()) : (b = b < e.getLeft() ? b : e.getLeft(), c = c < e.getTop() ? c : e.getTop(), d = d > e.getRight() ? d : e.getRight(), f = f > e.getBottom() ? f : e.getBottom()); a() }; this.inflate = function(e) { b -= e; c -= e; d += e; f += e; a() }; this.minSelf = function(e) { b = b > e.getLeft() ? b : e.getLeft(); c = c > e.getTop() ? c : e.getTop(); d = d < e.getRight() ? d : e.getRight(); f = f < e.getBottom() ? f : e.getBottom(); a() }; this.intersects = function(a) { return Math.min(d, a.getRight()) - Math.max(b, a.getLeft()) >= 0 && Math.min(f, a.getBottom()) - Math.max(c, a.getTop()) >= 0 }; this.empty = function() { h = !0; f = d = c = b = 0; a() }; this.isEmpty = function() { return h } }; THREE.Math = { clamp: function(a, b, c) { return a < b ? b : a > c ? c : a }, clampBottom: function(a, b) { return a < b ? b : a }, mapLinear: function(a, b, c, d, f) { return d + (a - b) * (f - d) / (c - b) }, random16: function() { return (65280 * Math.random() + 255 * Math.random()) / 65535 } }; THREE.Matrix3 = function() { this.m = [] }; THREE.Matrix3.prototype = { constructor: THREE.Matrix3, transpose: function() { var a, b = this.m; a = b[1]; b[1] = b[3]; b[3] = a; a = b[2]; b[2] = b[6]; b[6] = a; a = b[5]; b[5] = b[7]; b[7] = a; return this }, transposeIntoArray: function(a) { var b = this.m; a[0] = b[0]; a[1] = b[3]; a[2] = b[6]; a[3] = b[1]; a[4] = b[4]; a[5] = b[7]; a[6] = b[2]; a[7] = b[5]; a[8] = b[8]; return this } }; THREE.Matrix4 = function(a, b, c, d, f, e, g, h, m, l, j, i, n, o, p, k) { this.set(a !== void 0 ? a : 1, b || 0, c || 0, d || 0, f || 0, e !== void 0 ? e : 1, g || 0, h || 0, m || 0, l || 0, j !== void 0 ? j : 1, i || 0, n || 0, o || 0, p || 0, k !== void 0 ? k : 1); this.flat = Array(16); this.m33 = new THREE.Matrix3 }; THREE.Matrix4.prototype = { constructor: THREE.Matrix4, set: function(a, b, c, d, f, e, g, h, m, l, j, i, n, o, p, k) { this.n11 = a; this.n12 = b; this.n13 = c; this.n14 = d; this.n21 = f; this.n22 = e; this.n23 = g; this.n24 = h; this.n31 = m; this.n32 = l; this.n33 = j; this.n34 = i; this.n41 = n; this.n42 = o; this.n43 = p; this.n44 = k; return this }, identity: function() { this.set(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); return this }, copy: function(a) { this.set(a.n11, a.n12, a.n13, a.n14, a.n21, a.n22, a.n23, a.n24, a.n31, a.n32, a.n33, a.n34, a.n41, a.n42, a.n43, a.n44); return this }, lookAt: function(a, b, c) { var d = THREE.Matrix4.__v1, f = THREE.Matrix4.__v2, e = THREE.Matrix4.__v3; e.sub(a, b).normalize(); if (e.length() === 0) e.z = 1; d.cross(c, e).normalize(); d.length() === 0 && (e.x += 1.0E-4, d.cross(c, e).normalize()); f.cross(e, d).normalize(); this.n11 = d.x; this.n12 = f.x; this.n13 = e.x; this.n21 = d.y; this.n22 = f.y; this.n23 = e.y; this.n31 = d.z; this.n32 = f.z; this.n33 = e.z; return this }, multiply: function(a, b) { var c = a.n11, d = a.n12, f = a.n13, e = a.n14, g = a.n21, h = a.n22, m = a.n23, l = a.n24, j = a.n31, i = a.n32, n = a.n33, o = a.n34, p = a.n41, k = a.n42, s = a.n43, K = a.n44, C = b.n11, Q = b.n12, O = b.n13, w = b.n14, F = b.n21, z = b.n22, D = b.n23, u = b.n24, r = b.n31, E = b.n32, N = b.n33, W = b.n34, da = b.n41, G = b.n42, H = b.n43, I = b.n44; this.n11 = c * C + d * F + f * r + e * da; this.n12 = c * Q + d * z + f * E + e * G; this.n13 = c * O + d * D + f * N + e * H; this.n14 = c * w + d * u + f * W + e * I; this.n21 = g * C + h * F + m * r + l * da; this.n22 = g * Q + h * z + m * E + l * G; this.n23 = g * O + h * D + m * N + l * H; this.n24 = g * w + h * u + m * W + l * I; this.n31 = j * C + i * F + n * r + o * da; this.n32 = j * Q + i * z + n * E + o * G; this.n33 = j * O + i * D + n * N + o * H; this.n34 = j * w + i * u + n * W + o * I; this.n41 = p * C + k * F + s * r + K * da; this.n42 = p * Q + k * z + s * E + K * G; this.n43 = p * O + k * D + s * N + K * H; this.n44 = p * w + k * u + s * W + K * I; return this }, multiplySelf: function(a) { return this.multiply(this, a) }, multiplyToArray: function(a, b, c) { this.multiply(a, b); c[0] = this.n11; c[1] = this.n21; c[2] = this.n31; c[3] = this.n41; c[4] = this.n12; c[5] = this.n22; c[6] = this.n32; c[7] = this.n42; c[8] = this.n13; c[9] = this.n23; c[10] = this.n33; c[11] = this.n43; c[12] = this.n14; c[13] = this.n24; c[14] = this.n34; c[15] = this.n44; return this }, multiplyScalar: function(a) { this.n11 *= a; this.n12 *= a; this.n13 *= a; this.n14 *= a; this.n21 *= a; this.n22 *= a; this.n23 *= a; this.n24 *= a; this.n31 *= a; this.n32 *= a; this.n33 *= a; this.n34 *= a; this.n41 *= a; this.n42 *= a; this.n43 *= a; this.n44 *= a; return this }, multiplyVector3: function(a) { var b = a.x, c = a.y, d = a.z, f = 1 / (this.n41 * b + this.n42 * c + this.n43 * d + this.n44); a.x = (this.n11 * b + this.n12 * c + this.n13 * d + this.n14) * f; a.y = (this.n21 * b + this.n22 * c + this.n23 * d + this.n24) * f; a.z = (this.n31 * b + this.n32 * c + this.n33 * d + this.n34) * f; return a }, multiplyVector4: function(a) { var b = a.x, c = a.y, d = a.z, f = a.w; a.x = this.n11 * b + this.n12 * c + this.n13 * d + this.n14 * f; a.y = this.n21 * b + this.n22 * c + this.n23 * d + this.n24 * f; a.z = this.n31 * b + this.n32 * c + this.n33 * d + this.n34 * f; a.w = this.n41 * b + this.n42 * c + this.n43 * d + this.n44 * f; return a }, rotateAxis: function(a) { var b = a.x, c = a.y, d = a.z; a.x = b * this.n11 + c * this.n12 + d * this.n13; a.y = b * this.n21 + c * this.n22 + d * this.n23; a.z = b * this.n31 + c * this.n32 + d * this.n33; a.normalize(); return a }, crossVector: function(a) { var b = new THREE.Vector4; b.x = this.n11 * a.x + this.n12 * a.y + this.n13 * a.z + this.n14 * a.w; b.y = this.n21 * a.x + this.n22 * a.y + this.n23 * a.z + this.n24 * a.w; b.z = this.n31 * a.x + this.n32 * a.y + this.n33 * a.z + this.n34 * a.w; b.w = a.w ? this.n41 * a.x + this.n42 * a.y + this.n43 * a.z + this.n44 * a.w : 1; return b }, determinant: function() { var a = this.n11, b = this.n12, c = this.n13, d = this.n14, f = this.n21, e = this.n22, g = this.n23, h = this.n24, m = this.n31, l = this.n32, j = this.n33, i = this.n34, n = this.n41, o = this.n42, p = this.n43, k = this.n44; return d * g * l * n - c * h * l * n - d * e * j * n + b * h * j * n + c * e * i * n - b * g * i * n - d * g * m * o + c * h * m * o + d * f * j * o - a * h * j * o - c * f * i * o + a * g * i * o + d * e * m * p - b * h * m * p - d * f * l * p + a * h * l * p + b * f * i * p - a * e * i * p - c * e * m * k + b * g * m * k + c * f * l * k - a * g * l * k - b * f * j * k + a * e * j * k }, transpose: function() { var a; a = this.n21; this.n21 = this.n12; this.n12 = a; a = this.n31; this.n31 = this.n13; this.n13 = a; a = this.n32; this.n32 = this.n23; this.n23 = a; a = this.n41; this.n41 = this.n14; this.n14 = a; a = this.n42; this.n42 = this.n24; this.n24 = a; a = this.n43; this.n43 = this.n34; this.n43 = a; return this }, clone: function() { var a = new THREE.Matrix4; a.n11 = this.n11; a.n12 = this.n12; a.n13 = this.n13; a.n14 = this.n14; a.n21 = this.n21; a.n22 = this.n22; a.n23 = this.n23; a.n24 = this.n24; a.n31 = this.n31; a.n32 = this.n32; a.n33 = this.n33; a.n34 = this.n34; a.n41 = this.n41; a.n42 = this.n42; a.n43 = this.n43; a.n44 = this.n44; return a }, flatten: function() { this.flat[0] = this.n11; this.flat[1] = this.n21; this.flat[2] = this.n31; this.flat[3] = this.n41; this.flat[4] = this.n12; this.flat[5] = this.n22; this.flat[6] = this.n32; this.flat[7] = this.n42; this.flat[8] = this.n13; this.flat[9] = this.n23; this.flat[10] = this.n33; this.flat[11] = this.n43; this.flat[12] = this.n14; this.flat[13] = this.n24; this.flat[14] = this.n34; this.flat[15] = this.n44; return this.flat }, flattenToArray: function(a) { a[0] = this.n11; a[1] = this.n21; a[2] = this.n31; a[3] = this.n41; a[4] = this.n12; a[5] = this.n22; a[6] = this.n32; a[7] = this.n42; a[8] = this.n13; a[9] = this.n23; a[10] = this.n33; a[11] = this.n43; a[12] = this.n14; a[13] = this.n24; a[14] = this.n34; a[15] = this.n44; return a }, flattenToArrayOffset: function(a, b) { a[b] = this.n11; a[b + 1] = this.n21; a[b + 2] = this.n31; a[b + 3] = this.n41; a[b + 4] = this.n12; a[b + 5] = this.n22; a[b + 6] = this.n32; a[b + 7] = this.n42; a[b + 8] = this.n13; a[b + 9] = this.n23; a[b + 10] = this.n33; a[b + 11] = this.n43; a[b + 12] = this.n14; a[b + 13] = this.n24; a[b + 14] = this.n34; a[b + 15] = this.n44; return a }, setTranslation: function(a, b, c) { this.set(1, 0, 0, a, 0, 1, 0, b, 0, 0, 1, c, 0, 0, 0, 1); return this }, setScale: function(a, b, c) { this.set(a, 0, 0, 0, 0, b, 0, 0, 0, 0, c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); return this }, setRotationX: function(a) { var b = Math.cos(a), a = Math.sin(a); this.set(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, b, -a, 0, 0, a, b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); return this }, setRotationY: function(a) { var b = Math.cos(a), a = Math.sin(a); this.set(b, 0, a, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -a, 0, b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); return this }, setRotationZ: function(a) { var b = Math.cos(a), a = Math.sin(a); this.set(b, -a, 0, 0, a, b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); return this }, setRotationAxis: function(a, b) { var c = Math.cos(b), d = Math.sin(b), f = 1 - c, e = a.x, g = a.y, h = a.z, m = f * e, l = f * g; this.set(m * e + c, m * g - d * h, m * h + d * g, 0, m * g + d * h, l * g + c, l * h - d * e, 0, m * h - d * g, l * h + d * e, f * h * h + c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); return this }, setPosition: function(a) { this.n14 = a.x; this.n24 = a.y; this.n34 = a.z; return this }, getPosition: function() { return THREE.Matrix4.__v1.set(this.n14, this.n24, this.n34) }, getColumnX: function() { return THREE.Matrix4.__v1.set(this.n11, this.n21, this.n31) }, getColumnY: function() { return THREE.Matrix4.__v1.set(this.n12, this.n22, this.n32) }, getColumnZ: function() { return THREE.Matrix4.__v1.set(this.n13, this.n23, this.n33) }, getInverse: function(a) { var b = a.n11, c = a.n12, d = a.n13, f = a.n14, e = a.n21, g = a.n22, h = a.n23, m = a.n24, l = a.n31, j = a.n32, i = a.n33, n = a.n34, o = a.n41, p = a.n42, k = a.n43, s = a.n44; this.n11 = h * n * p - m * i * p + m * j * k - g * n * k - h * j * s + g * i * s; this.n12 = f * i * p - d * n * p - f * j * k + c * n * k + d * j * s - c * i * s; this.n13 = d * m * p - f * h * p + f * g * k - c * m * k - d * g * s + c * h * s; this.n14 = f * h * j - d * m * j - f * g * i + c * m * i + d * g * n - c * h * n; this.n21 = m * i * o - h * n * o - m * l * k + e * n * k + h * l * s - e * i * s; this.n22 = d * n * o - f * i * o + f * l * k - b * n * k - d * l * s + b * i * s; this.n23 = f * h * o - d * m * o - f * e * k + b * m * k + d * e * s - b * h * s; this.n24 = d * m * l - f * h * l + f * e * i - b * m * i - d * e * n + b * h * n; this.n31 = g * n * o - m * j * o + m * l * p - e * n * p - g * l * s + e * j * s; this.n32 = f * j * o - c * n * o - f * l * p + b * n * p + c * l * s - b * j * s; this.n33 = d * m * o - f * g * o + f * e * p - b * m * p - c * e * s + b * g * s; this.n34 = f * g * l - c * m * l - f * e * j + b * m * j + c * e * n - b * g * n; this.n41 = h * j * o - g * i * o - h * l * p + e * i * p + g * l * k - e * j * k; this.n42 = c * i * o - d * j * o + d * l * p - b * i * p - c * l * k + b * j * k; this.n43 = d * g * o - c * h * o - d * e * p + b * h * p + c * e * k - b * g * k; this.n44 = c * h * l - d * g * l + d * e * j - b * h * j - c * e * i + b * g * i; this.multiplyScalar(1 / a.determinant()); return this }, setRotationFromEuler: function(a, b) { var c = a.x, d = a.y, f = a.z, e = Math.cos(c), c = Math.sin(c), g = Math.cos(d), d = Math.sin(d), h = Math.cos(f), f = Math.sin(f); switch (b) { case "YXZ": var m = g * h, l = g * f, j = d * h, i = d * f; this.n11 = m + i * c; this.n12 = j * c - l; this.n13 = e * d; this.n21 = e * f; this.n22 = e * h; this.n23 = -c; this.n31 = l * c - j; this.n32 = i + m * c; this.n33 = e * g; break; case "ZXY": m = g * h; l = g * f; j = d * h; i = d * f; this.n11 = m - i * c; this.n12 = -e * f; this.n13 = j + l * c; this.n21 = l + j * c; this.n22 = e * h; this.n23 = i - m * c; this.n31 = -e * d; this.n32 = c; this.n33 = e * g; break; case "ZYX": m = e * h; l = e * f; j = c * h; i = c * f; this.n11 = g * h; this.n12 = j * d - l; this.n13 = m * d + i; this.n21 = g * f; this.n22 = i * d + m; this.n23 = l * d - j; this.n31 = -d; this.n32 = c * g; this.n33 = e * g; break; case "YZX": m = e * g; l = e * d; j = c * g; i = c * d; this.n11 = g * h; this.n12 = i - m * f; this.n13 = j * f + l; this.n21 = f; this.n22 = e * h; this.n23 = -c * h; this.n31 = -d * h; this.n32 = l * f + j; this.n33 = m - i * f; break; case "XZY": m = e * g; l = e * d; j = c * g; i = c * d; this.n11 = g * h; this.n12 = -f; this.n13 = d * h; this.n21 = m * f + i; this.n22 = e * h; this.n23 = l * f - j; this.n31 = j * f - l; this.n32 = c * h; this.n33 = i * f + m; break; default: m = e * h, l = e * f, j = c * h, i = c * f, this.n11 = g * h, this.n12 = -g * f, this.n13 = d, this.n21 = l + j * d, this.n22 = m - i * d, this.n23 = -c * g, this.n31 = i - m * d, this.n32 = j + l * d, this.n33 = e * g } return this }, setRotationFromQuaternion: function(a) { var b = a.x, c = a.y, d = a.z, f = a.w, e = b + b, g = c + c, h = d + d, a = b * e, m = b * g; b *= h; var l = c * g; c *= h; d *= h; e *= f; g *= f; f *= h; this.n11 = 1 - (l + d); this.n12 = m - f; this.n13 = b + g; this.n21 = m + f; this.n22 = 1 - (a + d); this.n23 = c - e; this.n31 = b - g; this.n32 = c + e; this.n33 = 1 - (a + l); return this }, scale: function(a) { var b = a.x, c = a.y, a = a.z; this.n11 *= b; this.n12 *= c; this.n13 *= a; this.n21 *= b; this.n22 *= c; this.n23 *= a; this.n31 *= b; this.n32 *= c; this.n33 *= a; this.n41 *= b; this.n42 *= c; this.n43 *= a; return this }, compose: function(a, b, c) { var d = THREE.Matrix4.__m1, f = THREE.Matrix4.__m2; d.identity(); d.setRotationFromQuaternion(b); f.setScale(c.x, c.y, c.z); this.multiply(d, f); this.n14 = a.x; this.n24 = a.y; this.n34 = a.z; return this }, decompose: function(a, b, c) { var d = THREE.Matrix4.__v1, f = THREE.Matrix4.__v2, e = THREE.Matrix4.__v3; d.set(this.n11, this.n21, this.n31); f.set(this.n12, this.n22, this.n32); e.set(this.n13, this.n23, this.n33); a = a instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? a : new THREE.Vector3; b = b instanceof THREE.Quaternion ? b : new THREE.Quaternion; c = c instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? c : new THREE.Vector3; c.x = d.length(); c.y = f.length(); c.z = e.length(); a.x = this.n14; a.y = this.n24; a.z = this.n34; d = THREE.Matrix4.__m1; d.copy(this); d.n11 /= c.x; d.n21 /= c.x; d.n31 /= c.x; d.n12 /= c.y; d.n22 /= c.y; d.n32 /= c.y; d.n13 /= c.z; d.n23 /= c.z; d.n33 /= c.z; b.setFromRotationMatrix(d); return [a, b, c] }, extractPosition: function(a) { this.n14 = a.n14; this.n24 = a.n24; this.n34 = a.n34; return this }, extractRotation: function(a) { var b = THREE.Matrix4.__v1, c = 1 / b.set(a.n11, a.n21, a.n31).length(), d = 1 / b.set(a.n12, a.n22, a.n32).length(), b = 1 / b.set(a.n13, a.n23, a.n33).length(); this.n11 = a.n11 * c; this.n21 = a.n21 * c; this.n31 = a.n31 * c; this.n12 = a.n12 * d; this.n22 = a.n22 * d; this.n32 = a.n32 * d; this.n13 = a.n13 * b; this.n23 = a.n23 * b; this.n33 = a.n33 * b; return this } }; THREE.Matrix4.makeInvert3x3 = function(a) { var b = a.m33, c = b.m, d = a.n33 * a.n22 - a.n32 * a.n23, f = -a.n33 * a.n21 + a.n31 * a.n23, e = a.n32 * a.n21 - a.n31 * a.n22, g = -a.n33 * a.n12 + a.n32 * a.n13, h = a.n33 * a.n11 - a.n31 * a.n13, m = -a.n32 * a.n11 + a.n31 * a.n12, l = a.n23 * a.n12 - a.n22 * a.n13, j = -a.n23 * a.n11 + a.n21 * a.n13, i = a.n22 * a.n11 - a.n21 * a.n12, a = a.n11 * d + a.n21 * g + a.n31 * l; a === 0 && console.error("THREE.Matrix4.makeInvert3x3: Matrix not invertible."); a = 1 / a; c[0] = a * d; c[1] = a * f; c[2] = a * e; c[3] = a * g; c[4] = a * h; c[5] = a * m; c[6] = a * l; c[7] = a * j; c[8] = a * i; return b }; THREE.Matrix4.makeFrustum = function(a, b, c, d, f, e) { var g; g = new THREE.Matrix4; g.n11 = 2 * f / (b - a); g.n12 = 0; g.n13 = (b + a) / (b - a); g.n14 = 0; g.n21 = 0; g.n22 = 2 * f / (d - c); g.n23 = (d + c) / (d - c); g.n24 = 0; g.n31 = 0; g.n32 = 0; g.n33 = -(e + f) / (e - f); g.n34 = -2 * e * f / (e - f); g.n41 = 0; g.n42 = 0; g.n43 = -1; g.n44 = 0; return g }; THREE.Matrix4.makePerspective = function(a, b, c, d) { var f, a = c * Math.tan(a * Math.PI / 360); f = -a; return THREE.Matrix4.makeFrustum(f * b, a * b, f, a, c, d) }; THREE.Matrix4.makeOrtho = function(a, b, c, d, f, e) { var g, h, m, l; g = new THREE.Matrix4; h = b - a; m = c - d; l = e - f; g.n11 = 2 / h; g.n12 = 0; g.n13 = 0; g.n14 = -((b + a) / h); g.n21 = 0; g.n22 = 2 / m; g.n23 = 0; g.n24 = -((c + d) / m); g.n31 = 0; g.n32 = 0; g.n33 = -2 / l; g.n34 = -((e + f) / l); g.n41 = 0; g.n42 = 0; g.n43 = 0; g.n44 = 1; return g }; THREE.Matrix4.__v1 = new THREE.Vector3; THREE.Matrix4.__v2 = new THREE.Vector3; THREE.Matrix4.__v3 = new THREE.Vector3; THREE.Matrix4.__m1 = new THREE.Matrix4; THREE.Matrix4.__m2 = new THREE.Matrix4; THREE.Object3D = function() { this.name = ""; this.id = THREE.Object3DCount++; this.parent = void 0; this.children = []; this.up = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0); this.position = new THREE.Vector3; this.rotation = new THREE.Vector3; this.eulerOrder = "XYZ"; this.scale = new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1); this.flipSided = this.doubleSided = this.dynamic = !1; this.renderDepth = null; this.rotationAutoUpdate = !0; this.matrix = new THREE.Matrix4; this.matrixWorld = new THREE.Matrix4; this.matrixRotationWorld = new THREE.Matrix4; this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = this.matrixAutoUpdate = !0; this.quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion; this.useQuaternion = !1; this.boundRadius = 0; this.boundRadiusScale = 1; this.visible = !0; this.receiveShadow = this.castShadow = !1; this.frustumCulled = !0; this._vector = new THREE.Vector3 }; THREE.Object3D.prototype = { constructor: THREE.Object3D, translate: function(a, b) { this.matrix.rotateAxis(b); this.position.addSelf(b.multiplyScalar(a)) }, translateX: function(a) { this.translate(a, this._vector.set(1, 0, 0)) }, translateY: function(a) { this.translate(a, this._vector.set(0, 1, 0)) }, translateZ: function(a) { this.translate(a, this._vector.set(0, 0, 1)) }, lookAt: function(a) { this.matrix.lookAt(a, this.position, this.up); this.rotationAutoUpdate && this.rotation.setRotationFromMatrix(this.matrix) }, add: function(a) { if (this.children.indexOf(a) === -1) { a.parent !== void 0 && a.parent.remove(a); a.parent = this; this.children.push(a); for (var b = this; b.parent !== void 0;) b = b.parent; b !== void 0 && b instanceof THREE.Scene && b.addObject(a) } }, remove: function(a) { var b = this.children.indexOf(a); if (b !== -1) { a.parent = void 0; this.children.splice(b, 1); for (b = this; b.parent !== void 0;) b = b.parent; b !== void 0 && b instanceof THREE.Scene && b.removeObject(a) } }, getChildByName: function(a, b) { var c, d, f; c = 0; for (d = this.children.length; c < d; c++) { f = this.children[c]; if (f.name === a) return f; if (b && (f = f.getChildByName(a, b), f !== void 0)) return f } }, updateMatrix: function() { this.matrix.setPosition(this.position); this.useQuaternion ? this.matrix.setRotationFromQuaternion(this.quaternion) : this.matrix.setRotationFromEuler(this.rotation, this.eulerOrder); if (this.scale.x !== 1 || this.scale.y !== 1 || this.scale.z !== 1) this.matrix.scale(this.scale), this.boundRadiusScale = Math.max(this.scale.x, Math.max(this.scale.y, this.scale.z)); this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = !0 }, updateMatrixWorld: function(a) { this.matrixAutoUpdate && this.updateMatrix(); if (this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate || a) this.parent ? this.matrixWorld.multiply(this.parent.matrixWorld, this.matrix) : this.matrixWorld.copy(this.matrix), this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = !1, a = !0; for (var b = 0, c = this.children.length; b < c; b++) this.children[b].updateMatrixWorld(a) } }; THREE.Object3DCount = 0; THREE.Projector = function() { function a() { var a = g[e] = g[e] || new THREE.RenderableObject; e++; return a } function b() { var a = l[m] = l[m] || new THREE.RenderableVertex; m++; return a } function c(a, b) { return b.z - a.z } function d(a, b) { var c = 0, d = 1, e = a.z + a.w, f = b.z + b.w, g = -a.z + a.w, h = -b.z + b.w; return e >= 0 && f >= 0 && g >= 0 && h >= 0 ? !0 : e < 0 && f < 0 || g < 0 && h < 0 ? !1 : (e < 0 ? c = Math.max(c, e / (e - f)) : f < 0 && (d = Math.min(d, e / (e - f))), g < 0 ? c = Math.max(c, g / (g - h)) : h < 0 && (d = Math.min(d, g / (g - h))), d < c ? !1 : (a.lerpSelf(b, c), b.lerpSelf(a, 1 - d), !0)) } var f, e, g = [], h, m, l = [], j, i, n = [], o, p = [], k, s, K = [], C, Q, O = [], w = { objects: [], sprites: [], lights: [], elements: [] }, F = new THREE.Vector3, z = new THREE.Vector4, D = new THREE.Matrix4, u = new THREE.Matrix4, r = [new THREE.Vector4, new THREE.Vector4, new THREE.Vector4, new THREE.Vector4, new THREE.Vector4, new THREE.Vector4], E = new THREE.Vector4, N = new THREE.Vector4; this.computeFrustum = function(a) { r[0].set(a.n41 - a.n11, a.n42 - a.n12, a.n43 - a.n13, a.n44 - a.n14); r[1].set(a.n41 + a.n11, a.n42 + a.n12, a.n43 + a.n13, a.n44 + a.n14); r[2].set(a.n41 + a.n21, a.n42 + a.n22, a.n43 + a.n23, a.n44 + a.n24); r[3].set(a.n41 - a.n21, a.n42 - a.n22, a.n43 - a.n23, a.n44 - a.n24); r[4].set(a.n41 - a.n31, a.n42 - a.n32, a.n43 - a.n33, a.n44 - a.n34); r[5].set(a.n41 + a.n31, a.n42 + a.n32, a.n43 + a.n33, a.n44 + a.n34); for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) { var b = r[a]; b.divideScalar(Math.sqrt(b.x * b.x + b.y * b.y + b.z * b.z)) } }; this.projectVector = function(a, b) { b.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse(b.matrixWorld); D.multiply(b.projectionMatrix, b.matrixWorldInverse); D.multiplyVector3(a); return a }; this.unprojectVector = function(a, b) { b.projectionMatrixInverse.getInverse(b.projectionMatrix); D.multiply(b.matrixWorld, b.projectionMatrixInverse); D.multiplyVector3(a); return a }; this.pickingRay = function(a, b) { var c; a.z = -1; c = new THREE.Vector3(a.x, a.y, 1); this.unprojectVector(a, b); this.unprojectVector(c, b); c.subSelf(a).normalize(); return new THREE.Ray(a, c) }; this.projectGraph = function(b, d) { e = 0; w.objects.length = 0; w.sprites.length = 0; w.lights.length = 0; var g = function(b) { if (b.visible !== !1) { var c; if (c = b instanceof THREE.Mesh || b instanceof THREE.Line) if (!(c = b.frustumCulled === !1)) a: { for (var d = b.matrixWorld, e = -b.geometry.boundingSphere.radius * Math.max(b.scale.x, Math.max(b.scale.y, b.scale.z)), h = 0; h < 6; h++) if (c = r[h].x * d.n14 + r[h].y * d.n24 + r[h].z * d.n34 + r[h].w, c <= e) { c = !1; break a } c = !0 } c ? (D.multiplyVector3(F.copy(b.position)), f = a(), f.object = b, f.z = F.z, w.objects.push(f)) : b instanceof THREE.Sprite || b instanceof THREE.Particle ? (D.multiplyVector3(F.copy(b.position)), f = a(), f.object = b, f.z = F.z, w.sprites.push(f)) : b instanceof THREE.Light && w.lights.push(b); c = 0; for (d = b.children.length; c < d; c++) g(b.children[c]) } }; g(b); d && w.objects.sort(c); return w }; this.projectScene = function(a, e, f) { var g = e.near, r = e.far, F, L, B, S, v, R, P, V, J, t, A, x, y, M, la, fa; Q = s = o = i = 0; w.elements.length = 0; e.parent === void 0 && (console.warn("DEPRECATED: Camera hasn't been added to a Scene. Adding it..."), a.add(e)); a.updateMatrixWorld(); e.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse(e.matrixWorld); D.multiply(e.projectionMatrix, e.matrixWorldInverse); this.computeFrustum(D); w = this.projectGraph(a, !1); a = 0; for (F = w.objects.length; a < F; a++) if (J = w.objects[a].object, t = J.matrixWorld, x = J.material, m = 0, J instanceof THREE.Mesh) { A = J.geometry; y = J.geometry.materials; S = A.vertices; M = A.faces; la = A.faceVertexUvs; A = J.matrixRotationWorld.extractRotation(t); L = 0; for (B = S.length; L < B; L++) h = b(), h.positionWorld.copy(S[L].position), t.multiplyVector3(h.positionWorld), h.positionScreen.copy(h.positionWorld), D.multiplyVector4(h.positionScreen), h.positionScreen.x /= h.positionScreen.w, h.positionScreen.y /= h.positionScreen.w, h.visible = h.positionScreen.z > g && h.positionScreen.z < r; S = 0; for (L = M.length; S < L; S++) { B = M[S]; if (B instanceof THREE.Face3) if (v = l[B.a], R = l[B.b], P = l[B.c], v.visible && R.visible && P.visible && (J.doubleSided || J.flipSided != (P.positionScreen.x - v.positionScreen.x) * (R.positionScreen.y - v.positionScreen.y) - (P.positionScreen.y - v.positionScreen.y) * (R.positionScreen.x - v.positionScreen.x) < 0)) V = n[i] = n[i] || new THREE.RenderableFace3, i++, j = V, j.v1.copy(v), j.v2.copy(R), j.v3.copy(P); else continue; else if (B instanceof THREE.Face4) if (v = l[B.a], R = l[B.b], P = l[B.c], V = l[B.d], v.visible && R.visible && P.visible && V.visible && (J.doubleSided || J.flipSided != ((V.positionScreen.x - v.positionScreen.x) * (R.positionScreen.y - v.positionScreen.y) - (V.positionScreen.y - v.positionScreen.y) * (R.positionScreen.x - v.positionScreen.x) < 0 || (R.positionScreen.x - P.positionScreen.x) * (V.positionScreen.y - P.positionScreen.y) - (R.positionScreen.y - P.positionScreen.y) * (V.positionScreen.x - P.positionScreen.x) < 0))) fa = p[o] = p[o] || new THREE.RenderableFace4, o++, j = fa, j.v1.copy(v), j.v2.copy(R), j.v3.copy(P), j.v4.copy(V); else continue; j.normalWorld.copy(B.normal); A.multiplyVector3(j.normalWorld); j.centroidWorld.copy(B.centroid); t.multiplyVector3(j.centroidWorld); j.centroidScreen.copy(j.centroidWorld); D.multiplyVector3(j.centroidScreen); P = B.vertexNormals; v = 0; for (R = P.length; v < R; v++) V = j.vertexNormalsWorld[v], V.copy(P[v]), A.multiplyVector3(V); v = 0; for (R = la.length; v < R; v++) if (fa = la[v][S]) { P = 0; for (V = fa.length; P < V; P++) j.uvs[v][P] = fa[P] } j.material = x; j.faceMaterial = B.materialIndex !== null ? y[B.materialIndex] : null; j.z = j.centroidScreen.z; w.elements.push(j) } } else if (J instanceof THREE.Line) { u.multiply(D, t); S = J.geometry.vertices; v = b(); v.positionScreen.copy(S[0].position); u.multiplyVector4(v.positionScreen); L = 1; for (B = S.length; L < B; L++) if (v = b(), v.positionScreen.copy(S[L].position), u.multiplyVector4(v.positionScreen), R = l[m - 2], E.copy(v.positionScreen), N.copy(R.positionScreen), d(E, N)) E.multiplyScalar(1 / E.w), N.multiplyScalar(1 / N.w), J = K[s] = K[s] || new THREE.RenderableLine, s++, k = J, k.v1.positionScreen.copy(E), k.v2.positionScreen.copy(N), k.z = Math.max(E.z, N.z), k.material = x, w.elements.push(k) } a = 0; for (F = w.sprites.length; a < F; a++) if (J = w.sprites[a].object, t = J.matrixWorld, J instanceof THREE.Particle && (z.set(t.n14, t.n24, t.n34, 1), D.multiplyVector4(z), z.z /= z.w, z.z > 0 && z.z < 1)) g = O[Q] = O[Q] || new THREE.RenderableParticle, Q++, C = g, C.x = z.x / z.w, C.y = z.y / z.w, C.z = z.z, C.rotation = J.rotation.z, C.scale.x = J.scale.x * Math.abs(C.x - (z.x + e.projectionMatrix.n11) / (z.w + e.projectionMatrix.n14)), C.scale.y = J.scale.y * Math.abs(C.y - (z.y + e.projectionMatrix.n22) / (z.w + e.projectionMatrix.n24)), C.material = J.material, w.elements.push(C); f && w.elements.sort(c); return w } }; THREE.Quaternion = function(a, b, c, d) { this.set(a || 0, b || 0, c || 0, d !== void 0 ? d : 1) }; THREE.Quaternion.prototype = { constructor: THREE.Quaternion, set: function(a, b, c, d) { this.x = a; this.y = b; this.z = c; this.w = d; return this }, copy: function(a) { this.x = a.x; this.y = a.y; this.z = a.z; this.w = a.w; return this }, setFromEuler: function(a) { var b = Math.PI / 360, c = a.x * b, d = a.y * b, f = a.z * b, a = Math.cos(d), d = Math.sin(d), b = Math.cos(-f), f = Math.sin(-f), e = Math.cos(c), c = Math.sin(c), g = a * b, h = d * f; this.w = g * e - h * c; this.x = g * c + h * e; this.y = d * b * e + a * f * c; this.z = a * f * e - d * b * c; return this }, setFromAxisAngle: function(a, b) { var c = b / 2, d = Math.sin(c); this.x = a.x * d; this.y = a.y * d; this.z = a.z * d; this.w = Math.cos(c); return this }, setFromRotationMatrix: function(a) { var b = Math.pow(a.determinant(), 1 / 3); this.w = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, b + a.n11 + a.n22 + a.n33)) / 2; this.x = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, b + a.n11 - a.n22 - a.n33)) / 2; this.y = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, b - a.n11 + a.n22 - a.n33)) / 2; this.z = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, b - a.n11 - a.n22 + a.n33)) / 2; this.x = a.n32 - a.n23 < 0 ? -Math.abs(this.x) : Math.abs(this.x); this.y = a.n13 - a.n31 < 0 ? -Math.abs(this.y) : Math.abs(this.y); this.z = a.n21 - a.n12 < 0 ? -Math.abs(this.z) : Math.abs(this.z); this.normalize(); return this }, calculateW: function() { this.w = -Math.sqrt(Math.abs(1 - this.x * this.x - this.y * this.y - this.z * this.z)); return this }, inverse: function() { this.x *= -1; this.y *= -1; this.z *= -1; return this }, length: function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w) }, normalize: function() { var a = Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w); a === 0 ? this.w = this.z = this.y = this.x = 0 : (a = 1 / a, this.x *= a, this.y *= a, this.z *= a, this.w *= a); return this }, multiplySelf: function(a) { var b = this.x, c = this.y, d = this.z, f = this.w, e = a.x, g = a.y, h = a.z, a = a.w; this.x = b * a + f * e + c * h - d * g; this.y = c * a + f * g + d * e - b * h; this.z = d * a + f * h + b * g - c * e; this.w = f * a - b * e - c * g - d * h; return this }, multiply: function(a, b) { this.x = a.x * b.w + a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y + a.w * b.x; this.y = -a.x * b.z + a.y * b.w + a.z * b.x + a.w * b.y; this.z = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x + a.z * b.w + a.w * b.z; this.w = -a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y - a.z * b.z + a.w * b.w; return this }, multiplyVector3: function(a, b) { b || (b = a); var c = a.x, d = a.y, f = a.z, e = this.x, g = this.y, h = this.z, m = this.w, l = m * c + g * f - h * d, j = m * d + h * c - e * f, i = m * f + e * d - g * c, c = -e * c - g * d - h * f; b.x = l * m + c * -e + j * -h - i * -g; b.y = j * m + c * -g + i * -e - l * -h; b.z = i * m + c * -h + l * -g - j * -e; return b } }; THREE.Quaternion.slerp = function(a, b, c, d) { var f = a.w * b.w + a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z; f < 0 ? (c.w = -b.w, c.x = -b.x, c.y = -b.y, c.z = -b.z, f = -f) : c.copy(b); if (Math.abs(f) >= 1) return c.w = a.w, c.x = a.x, c.y = a.y, c.z = a.z, c; var e = Math.acos(f), f = Math.sqrt(1 - f * f); if (Math.abs(f) < 0.001) return c.w = 0.5 * (a.w + b.w), c.x = 0.5 * (a.x + b.x), c.y = 0.5 * (a.y + b.y), c.z = 0.5 * (a.z + b.z), c; b = Math.sin((1 - d) * e) / f; d = Math.sin(d * e) / f; c.w = a.w * b + c.w * d; c.x = a.x * b + c.x * d; c.y = a.y * b + c.y * d; c.z = a.z * b + c.z * d; return c }; THREE.Vertex = function(a) { this.position = a || new THREE.Vector3 }; THREE.Face3 = function(a, b, c, d, f, e) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.normal = d instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? d : new THREE.Vector3; this.vertexNormals = d instanceof Array ? d : []; this.color = f instanceof THREE.Color ? f : new THREE.Color; this.vertexColors = f instanceof Array ? f : []; this.vertexTangents = []; this.materialIndex = e; this.centroid = new THREE.Vector3 }; THREE.Face4 = function(a, b, c, d, f, e, g) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; this.d = d; this.normal = f instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? f : new THREE.Vector3; this.vertexNormals = f instanceof Array ? f : []; this.color = e instanceof THREE.Color ? e : new THREE.Color; this.vertexColors = e instanceof Array ? e : []; this.vertexTangents = []; this.materialIndex = g; this.centroid = new THREE.Vector3 }; THREE.UV = function(a, b) { this.u = a || 0; this.v = b || 0 }; THREE.UV.prototype = { constructor: THREE.UV, set: function(a, b) { this.u = a; this.v = b; return this }, copy: function(a) { this.u = a.u; this.v = a.v; return this }, clone: function() { return new THREE.UV(this.u, this.v) } }; THREE.Geometry = function() { this.id = THREE.GeometryCount++; this.vertices = []; this.colors = []; this.materials = []; this.faces = []; this.faceUvs = [ [] ]; this.faceVertexUvs = [ [] ]; this.morphTargets = []; this.morphColors = []; this.skinWeights = []; this.skinIndices = []; this.boundingSphere = this.boundingBox = null; this.dynamic = this.hasTangents = !1 }; THREE.Geometry.prototype = { constructor: THREE.Geometry, applyMatrix: function(a) { var b = new THREE.Matrix4; b.extractRotation(a, new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1)); for (var c = 0, d = this.vertices.length; c < d; c++) a.multiplyVector3(this.vertices[c].position); c = 0; for (d = this.faces.length; c < d; c++) { var f = this.faces[c]; b.multiplyVector3(f.normal); for (var e = 0, g = f.vertexNormals.length; e < g; e++) b.multiplyVector3(f.vertexNormals[e]); a.multiplyVector3(f.centroid) } }, computeCentroids: function() { var a, b, c; a = 0; for (b = this.faces.length; a < b; a++) c = this.faces[a], c.centroid.set(0, 0, 0), c instanceof THREE.Face3 ? (c.centroid.addSelf(this.vertices[c.a].position), c.centroid.addSelf(this.vertices[c.b].position), c.centroid.addSelf(this.vertices[c.c].position), c.centroid.divideScalar(3)) : c instanceof THREE.Face4 && (c.centroid.addSelf(this.vertices[c.a].position), c.centroid.addSelf(this.vertices[c.b].position), c.centroid.addSelf(this.vertices[c.c].position), c.centroid.addSelf(this.vertices[c.d].position), c.centroid.divideScalar(4)) }, computeFaceNormals: function() { var a, b, c, d, f, e, g = new THREE.Vector3, h = new THREE.Vector3; a = 0; for (b = this.faces.length; a < b; a++) c = this.faces[a], d = this.vertices[c.a], f = this.vertices[c.b], e = this.vertices[c.c], g.sub(e.position, f.position), h.sub(d.position, f.position), g.crossSelf(h), g.isZero() || g.normalize(), c.normal.copy(g) }, computeVertexNormals: function() { var a, b, c, d; if (this.__tmpVertices === void 0) { d = this.__tmpVertices = Array(this.vertices.length); a = 0; for (b = this.vertices.length; a < b; a++) d[a] = new THREE.Vector3; a = 0; for (b = this.faces.length; a < b; a++) if (c = this.faces[a], c instanceof THREE.Face3) c.vertexNormals = [new THREE.Vector3, new THREE.Vector3, new THREE.Vector3]; else if (c instanceof THREE.Face4) c.vertexNormals = [new THREE.Vector3, new THREE.Vector3, new THREE.Vector3, new THREE.Vector3] } else { d = this.__tmpVertices; a = 0; for (b = this.vertices.length; a < b; a++) d[a].set(0, 0, 0) } a = 0; for (b = this.faces.length; a < b; a++) c = this.faces[a], c instanceof THREE.Face3 ? (d[c.a].addSelf(c.normal), d[c.b].addSelf(c.normal), d[c.c].addSelf(c.normal)) : c instanceof THREE.Face4 && (d[c.a].addSelf(c.normal), d[c.b].addSelf(c.normal), d[c.c].addSelf(c.normal), d[c.d].addSelf(c.normal)); a = 0; for (b = this.vertices.length; a < b; a++) d[a].normalize(); a = 0; for (b = this.faces.length; a < b; a++) c = this.faces[a], c instanceof THREE.Face3 ? (c.vertexNormals[0].copy(d[c.a]), c.vertexNormals[1].copy(d[c.b]), c.vertexNormals[2].copy(d[c.c])) : c instanceof THREE.Face4 && (c.vertexNormals[0].copy(d[c.a]), c.vertexNormals[1].copy(d[c.b]), c.vertexNormals[2].copy(d[c.c]), c.vertexNormals[3].copy(d[c.d])) }, computeTangents: function() { function a(a, b, c, d, e, f, D) { h = a.vertices[b].position; m = a.vertices[c].position; l = a.vertices[d].position; j = g[e]; i = g[f]; n = g[D]; o = m.x - h.x; p = l.x - h.x; k = m.y - h.y; s = l.y - h.y; K = m.z - h.z; C = l.z - h.z; Q = i.u - j.u; O = n.u - j.u; w = i.v - j.v; F = n.v - j.v; z = 1 / (Q * F - O * w); E.set((F * o - w * p) * z, (F * k - w * s) * z, (F * K - w * C) * z); N.set((Q * p - O * o) * z, (Q * s - O * k) * z, (Q * C - O * K) * z); u[b].addSelf(E); u[c].addSelf(E); u[d].addSelf(E); r[b].addSelf(N); r[c].addSelf(N); r[d].addSelf(N) } var b, c, d, f, e, g, h, m, l, j, i, n, o, p, k, s, K, C, Q, O, w, F, z, D, u = [], r = [], E = new THREE.Vector3, N = new THREE.Vector3, W = new THREE.Vector3, da = new THREE.Vector3, G = new THREE.Vector3; b = 0; for (c = this.vertices.length; b < c; b++) u[b] = new THREE.Vector3, r[b] = new THREE.Vector3; b = 0; for (c = this.faces.length; b < c; b++) e = this.faces[b], g = this.faceVertexUvs[0][b], e instanceof THREE.Face3 ? a(this, e.a, e.b, e.c, 0, 1, 2) : e instanceof THREE.Face4 && (a(this, e.a, e.b, e.c, 0, 1, 2), a(this, e.a, e.b, e.d, 0, 1, 3)); var H = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]; b = 0; for (c = this.faces.length; b < c; b++) { e = this.faces[b]; for (d = 0; d < e.vertexNormals.length; d++) G.copy(e.vertexNormals[d]), f = e[H[d]], D = u[f], W.copy(D), W.subSelf(G.multiplyScalar(G.dot(D))).normalize(), da.cross(e.vertexNormals[d], D), f = da.dot(r[f]), f = f < 0 ? -1 : 1, e.vertexTangents[d] = new THREE.Vector4(W.x, W.y, W.z, f) } this.hasTangents = !0 }, computeBoundingBox: function() { var a; if (this.vertices.length > 0) { this.boundingBox = { x: [this.vertices[0].position.x, this.vertices[0].position.x], y: [this.vertices[0].position.y, this.vertices[0].position.y], z: [this.vertices[0].position.z, this.vertices[0].position.z] }; for (var b = 1, c = this.vertices.length; b < c; b++) { a = this.vertices[b]; if (a.position.x < this.boundingBox.x[0]) this.boundingBox.x[0] = a.position.x; else if (a.position.x > this.boundingBox.x[1]) this.boundingBox.x[1] = a.position.x; if (a.position.y < this.boundingBox.y[0]) this.boundingBox.y[0] = a.position.y; else if (a.position.y > this.boundingBox.y[1]) this.boundingBox.y[1] = a.position.y; if (a.position.z < this.boundingBox.z[0]) this.boundingBox.z[0] = a.position.z; else if (a.position.z > this.boundingBox.z[1]) this.boundingBox.z[1] = a.position.z } } }, computeBoundingSphere: function() { for (var a = 0, b = 0, c = this.vertices.length; b < c; b++) a = Math.max(a, this.vertices[b].position.length()); this.boundingSphere = { radius: a } }, mergeVertices: function() { var a = {}, b = [], c = [], d, f = Math.pow(10, 4), e, g; e = 0; for (g = this.vertices.length; e < g; e++) d = this.vertices[e].position, d = [Math.round(d.x * f), Math.round(d.y * f), Math.round(d.z * f)].join("_"), a[d] === void 0 ? (a[d] = e, b.push(this.vertices[e]), c[e] = b.length - 1) : c[e] = c[a[d]]; e = 0; for (g = this.faces.length; e < g; e++) if (a = this.faces[e], a instanceof THREE.Face3) a.a = c[a.a], a.b = c[a.b], a.c = c[a.c]; else if (a instanceof THREE.Face4) a.a = c[a.a], a.b = c[a.b], a.c = c[a.c], a.d = c[a.d]; this.vertices = b } }; THREE.GeometryCount = 0; THREE.Camera = function() { if (arguments.length) return console.warn("DEPRECATED: Camera() is now PerspectiveCamera() or OrthographicCamera()."), new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); THREE.Object3D.call(this); this.matrixWorldInverse = new THREE.Matrix4; this.projectionMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4; this.projectionMatrixInverse = new THREE.Matrix4 }; THREE.Camera.prototype = new THREE.Object3D; THREE.Camera.prototype.constructor = THREE.Camera; THREE.Camera.prototype.lookAt = function(a) { this.matrix.lookAt(this.position, a, this.up); this.rotationAutoUpdate && this.rotation.setRotationFromMatrix(this.matrix) }; THREE.OrthographicCamera = function(a, b, c, d, f, e) { THREE.Camera.call(this); this.left = a; this.right = b; this.top = c; this.bottom = d; this.near = f !== void 0 ? f : 0.1; this.far = e !== void 0 ? e : 2E3; this.updateProjectionMatrix() }; THREE.OrthographicCamera.prototype = new THREE.Camera; THREE.OrthographicCamera.prototype.constructor = THREE.OrthographicCamera; THREE.OrthographicCamera.prototype.updateProjectionMatrix = function() { this.projectionMatrix = THREE.Matrix4.makeOrtho(this.left, this.right, this.top, this.bottom, this.near, this.far) }; THREE.PerspectiveCamera = function(a, b, c, d) { THREE.Camera.call(this); this.fov = a !== void 0 ? a : 50; this.aspect = b !== void 0 ? b : 1; this.near = c !== void 0 ? c : 0.1; this.far = d !== void 0 ? d : 2E3; this.updateProjectionMatrix() }; THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype = new THREE.Camera; THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.constructor = THREE.PerspectiveCamera; THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.setLens = function(a, b) { this.fov = 2 * Math.atan((b !== void 0 ? b : 43.25) / (a * 2)); this.fov *= 180 / Math.PI; this.updateProjectionMatrix() }; THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.setViewOffset = function(a, b, c, d, f, e) { this.fullWidth = a; this.fullHeight = b; this.x = c; this.y = d; this.width = f; this.height = e; this.updateProjectionMatrix() }; THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype.updateProjectionMatrix = function() { if (this.fullWidth) { var a = this.fullWidth / this.fullHeight, b = Math.tan(this.fov * Math.PI / 360) * this.near, c = -b, d = a * c, a = Math.abs(a * b - d), c = Math.abs(b - c); this.projectionMatrix = THREE.Matrix4.makeFrustum(d + this.x * a / this.fullWidth, d + (this.x + this.width) * a / this.fullWidth, b - (this.y + this.height) * c / this.fullHeight, b - this.y * c / this.fullHeight, this.near, this.far) } else this.projectionMatrix = THREE.Matrix4.makePerspective(this.fov, this.aspect, this.near, this.far) }; THREE.Light = function(a) { THREE.Object3D.call(this); this.color = new THREE.Color(a) }; THREE.Light.prototype = new THREE.Object3D; THREE.Light.prototype.constructor = THREE.Light; THREE.Light.prototype.supr = THREE.Object3D.prototype; THREE.AmbientLight = function(a) { THREE.Light.call(this, a) }; THREE.AmbientLight.prototype = new THREE.Light; THREE.AmbientLight.prototype.constructor = THREE.AmbientLight; THREE.DirectionalLight = function(a, b, c) { THREE.Light.call(this, a); this.position = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0); this.intensity = b !== void 0 ? b : 1; this.distance = c !== void 0 ? c : 0 }; THREE.DirectionalLight.prototype = new THREE.Light; THREE.DirectionalLight.prototype.constructor = THREE.DirectionalLight; THREE.PointLight = function(a, b, c) { THREE.Light.call(this, a); this.position = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0); this.intensity = b !== void 0 ? b : 1; this.distance = c !== void 0 ? c : 0 }; THREE.PointLight.prototype = new THREE.Light; THREE.PointLight.prototype.constructor = THREE.PointLight; THREE.Material = function(a) { this.name = ""; this.id = THREE.MaterialCount++; a = a || {}; this.opacity = a.opacity !== void 0 ? a.opacity : 1; this.transparent = a.transparent !== void 0 ? a.transparent : !1; this.blending = a.blending !== void 0 ? a.blending : THREE.NormalBlending; this.depthTest = a.depthTest !== void 0 ? a.depthTest : !0; this.depthWrite = a.depthWrite !== void 0 ? a.depthWrite : !0; this.polygonOffset = a.polygonOffset !== void 0 ? a.polygonOffset : !1; this.polygonOffsetFactor = a.polygonOffsetFactor !== void 0 ? a.polygonOffsetFactor : 0; this.polygonOffsetUnits = a.polygonOffsetUnits !== void 0 ? a.polygonOffsetUnits : 0; this.alphaTest = a.alphaTest !== void 0 ? a.alphaTest : 0; this.overdraw = a.overdraw !== void 0 ? a.overdraw : !1 }; THREE.MaterialCount = 0; THREE.NoShading = 0; THREE.FlatShading = 1; THREE.SmoothShading = 2; THREE.NoColors = 0; THREE.FaceColors = 1; THREE.VertexColors = 2; THREE.NormalBlending = 0; THREE.AdditiveBlending = 1; THREE.SubtractiveBlending = 2; THREE.MultiplyBlending = 3; THREE.AdditiveAlphaBlending = 4; THREE.LineBasicMaterial = function(a) { THREE.Material.call(this, a); a = a || {}; this.color = a.color !== void 0 ? new THREE.Color(a.color) : new THREE.Color(16777215); this.linewidth = a.linewidth !== void 0 ? a.linewidth : 1; this.linecap = a.linecap !== void 0 ? a.linecap : "round"; this.linejoin = a.linejoin !== void 0 ? a.linejoin : "round"; this.vertexColors = a.vertexColors ? a.vertexColors : !1; this.fog = a.fog !== void 0 ? a.fog : !0 }; THREE.LineBasicMaterial.prototype = new THREE.Material; THREE.LineBasicMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.LineBasicMaterial; THREE.MeshBasicMaterial = function(a) { THREE.Material.call(this, a); a = a || {}; this.color = a.color !== void 0 ? new THREE.Color(a.color) : new THREE.Color(16777215); this.map = a.map !== void 0 ? a.map : null; this.lightMap = a.lightMap !== void 0 ? a.lightMap : null; this.envMap = a.envMap !== void 0 ? a.envMap : null; this.combine = a.combine !== void 0 ? a.combine : THREE.MultiplyOperation; this.reflectivity = a.reflectivity !== void 0 ? a.reflectivity : 1; this.refractionRatio = a.refractionRatio !== void 0 ? a.refractionRatio : 0.98; this.fog = a.fog !== void 0 ? a.fog : !0; this.shading = a.shading !== void 0 ? a.shading : THREE.SmoothShading; this.wireframe = a.wireframe !== void 0 ? a.wireframe : !1; this.wireframeLinewidth = a.wireframeLinewidth !== void 0 ? a.wireframeLinewidth : 1; this.wireframeLinecap = a.wireframeLinecap !== void 0 ? a.wireframeLinecap : "round"; this.wireframeLinejoin = a.wireframeLinejoin !== void 0 ? a.wireframeLinejoin : "round"; this.vertexColors = a.vertexColors !== void 0 ? a.vertexColors : !1; this.skinning = a.skinning !== void 0 ? a.skinning : !1; this.morphTargets = a.morphTargets !== void 0 ? a.morphTargets : !1 }; THREE.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype = new THREE.Material; THREE.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.MeshBasicMaterial; THREE.MeshLambertMaterial = function(a) { THREE.Material.call(this, a); a = a || {}; this.color = a.color !== void 0 ? new THREE.Color(a.color) : new THREE.Color(16777215); this.ambient = a.ambient !== void 0 ? new THREE.Color(a.ambient) : new THREE.Color(328965); this.map = a.map !== void 0 ? a.map : null; this.lightMap = a.lightMap !== void 0 ? a.lightMap : null; this.envMap = a.envMap !== void 0 ? a.envMap : null; this.combine = a.combine !== void 0 ? a.combine : THREE.MultiplyOperation; this.reflectivity = a.reflectivity !== void 0 ? a.reflectivity : 1; this.refractionRatio = a.refractionRatio !== void 0 ? a.refractionRatio : 0.98; this.fog = a.fog !== void 0 ? a.fog : !0; this.shading = a.shading !== void 0 ? a.shading : THREE.SmoothShading; this.wireframe = a.wireframe !== void 0 ? a.wireframe : !1; this.wireframeLinewidth = a.wireframeLinewidth !== void 0 ? a.wireframeLinewidth : 1; this.wireframeLinecap = a.wireframeLinecap !== void 0 ? a.wireframeLinecap : "round"; this.wireframeLinejoin = a.wireframeLinejoin !== void 0 ? a.wireframeLinejoin : "round"; this.vertexColors = a.vertexColors !== void 0 ? a.vertexColors : !1; this.skinning = a.skinning !== void 0 ? a.skinning : !1; this.morphTargets = a.morphTargets !== void 0 ? a.morphTargets : !1 }; THREE.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype = new THREE.Material; THREE.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.MeshLambertMaterial; THREE.MeshPhongMaterial = function(a) { THREE.Material.call(this, a); a = a || {}; this.color = a.color !== void 0 ? new THREE.Color(a.color) : new THREE.Color(16777215); this.ambient = a.ambient !== void 0 ? new THREE.Color(a.ambient) : new THREE.Color(328965); this.specular = a.specular !== void 0 ? new THREE.Color(a.specular) : new THREE.Color(1118481); this.shininess = a.shininess !== void 0 ? a.shininess : 30; this.metal = a.metal !== void 0 ? a.metal : !1; this.perPixel = a.perPixel !== void 0 ? a.perPixel : !1; this.map = a.map !== void 0 ? a.map : null; this.lightMap = a.lightMap !== void 0 ? a.lightMap : null; this.envMap = a.envMap !== void 0 ? a.envMap : null; this.combine = a.combine !== void 0 ? a.combine : THREE.MultiplyOperation; this.reflectivity = a.reflectivity !== void 0 ? a.reflectivity : 1; this.refractionRatio = a.refractionRatio !== void 0 ? a.refractionRatio : 0.98; this.fog = a.fog !== void 0 ? a.fog : !0; this.shading = a.shading !== void 0 ? a.shading : THREE.SmoothShading; this.wireframe = a.wireframe !== void 0 ? a.wireframe : !1; this.wireframeLinewidth = a.wireframeLinewidth !== void 0 ? a.wireframeLinewidth : 1; this.wireframeLinecap = a.wireframeLinecap !== void 0 ? a.wireframeLinecap : "round"; this.wireframeLinejoin = a.wireframeLinejoin !== void 0 ? a.wireframeLinejoin : "round"; this.vertexColors = a.vertexColors !== void 0 ? a.vertexColors : !1; this.skinning = a.skinning !== void 0 ? a.skinning : !1; this.morphTargets = a.morphTargets !== void 0 ? a.morphTargets : !1 }; THREE.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype = new THREE.Material; THREE.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.MeshPhongMaterial; THREE.MeshDepthMaterial = function(a) { THREE.Material.call(this, a); a = a || {}; this.shading = a.shading !== void 0 ? a.shading : THREE.SmoothShading; this.wireframe = a.wireframe !== void 0 ? a.wireframe : !1; this.wireframeLinewidth = a.wireframeLinewidth !== void 0 ? a.wireframeLinewidth : 1 }; THREE.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype = new THREE.Material; THREE.MeshDepthMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.MeshDepthMaterial; THREE.MeshNormalMaterial = function(a) { THREE.Material.call(this, a); a = a || {}; this.shading = a.shading ? a.shading : THREE.FlatShading; this.wireframe = a.wireframe ? a.wireframe : !1; this.wireframeLinewidth = a.wireframeLinewidth ? a.wireframeLinewidth : 1 }; THREE.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype = new THREE.Material; THREE.MeshNormalMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.MeshNormalMaterial; THREE.MeshFaceMaterial = function() {}; THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial = function(a) { THREE.Material.call(this, a); a = a || {}; this.color = a.color !== void 0 ? new THREE.Color(a.color) : new THREE.Color(16777215); this.map = a.map !== void 0 ? a.map : null; this.size = a.size !== void 0 ? a.size : 1; this.sizeAttenuation = a.sizeAttenuation !== void 0 ? a.sizeAttenuation : !0; this.vertexColors = a.vertexColors !== void 0 ? a.vertexColors : !1; this.fog = a.fog !== void 0 ? a.fog : !0 }; THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial.prototype = new THREE.Material; THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial; THREE.ParticleCanvasMaterial = function(a) { THREE.Material.call(this, a); a = a || {}; this.color = a.color !== void 0 ? new THREE.Color(a.color) : new THREE.Color(16777215); this.program = a.program !== void 0 ? a.program : function() {} }; THREE.ParticleCanvasMaterial.prototype = new THREE.Material; THREE.ParticleCanvasMaterial.prototype.constructor = THREE.ParticleCanvasMaterial; THREE.Texture = function(a, b, c, d, f, e) { this.id = THREE.TextureCount++; this.image = a; this.mapping = b !== void 0 ? b : new THREE.UVMapping; this.wrapS = c !== void 0 ? c : THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping; this.wrapT = d !== void 0 ? d : THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping; this.magFilter = f !== void 0 ? f : THREE.LinearFilter; this.minFilter = e !== void 0 ? e : THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter; this.offset = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0); this.repeat = new THREE.Vector2(1, 1); this.needsUpdate = !1; this.onUpdate = null }; THREE.Texture.prototype = { constructor: THREE.Texture, clone: function() { var a = new THREE.Texture(this.image, this.mapping, this.wrapS, this.wrapT, this.magFilter, this.minFilter); a.offset.copy(this.offset); a.repeat.copy(this.repeat); return a } }; THREE.TextureCount = 0; THREE.MultiplyOperation = 0; THREE.MixOperation = 1; THREE.CubeReflectionMapping = function() {}; THREE.CubeRefractionMapping = function() {}; THREE.LatitudeReflectionMapping = function() {}; THREE.LatitudeRefractionMapping = function() {}; THREE.SphericalReflectionMapping = function() {}; THREE.SphericalRefractionMapping = function() {}; THREE.UVMapping = function() {}; THREE.RepeatWrapping = 0; THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping = 1; THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping = 2; THREE.NearestFilter = 3; THREE.NearestMipMapNearestFilter = 4; THREE.NearestMipMapLinearFilter = 5; THREE.LinearFilter = 6; THREE.LinearMipMapNearestFilter = 7; THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter = 8; THREE.ByteType = 9; THREE.UnsignedByteType = 10; THREE.ShortType = 11; THREE.UnsignedShortType = 12; THREE.IntType = 13; THREE.UnsignedIntType = 14; THREE.FloatType = 15; THREE.AlphaFormat = 16; THREE.RGBFormat = 17; THREE.RGBAFormat = 18; THREE.LuminanceFormat = 19; THREE.LuminanceAlphaFormat = 20; THREE.Particle = function(a) { THREE.Object3D.call(this); this.material = a }; THREE.Particle.prototype = new THREE.Object3D; THREE.Particle.prototype.constructor = THREE.Particle; THREE.Line = function(a, b, c) { THREE.Object3D.call(this); this.geometry = a; this.material = b; this.type = c !== void 0 ? c : THREE.LineStrip; this.geometry && (this.geometry.boundingSphere || this.geometry.computeBoundingSphere()) }; THREE.LineStrip = 0; THREE.LinePieces = 1; THREE.Line.prototype = new THREE.Object3D; THREE.Line.prototype.constructor = THREE.Line; THREE.Mesh = function(a, b) { THREE.Object3D.call(this); this.geometry = a; this.material = b; if (b instanceof Array) console.warn("DEPRECATED: Mesh material can no longer be an Array. Using material at index 0..."), this.material = b[0]; if (this.geometry && (this.geometry.boundingSphere || this.geometry.computeBoundingSphere(), this.boundRadius = a.boundingSphere.radius, this.geometry.morphTargets.length)) { this.morphTargetBase = -1; this.morphTargetForcedOrder = []; this.morphTargetInfluences = []; this.morphTargetDictionary = {}; for (var c = 0; c < this.geometry.morphTargets.length; c++) this.morphTargetInfluences.push(0), this.morphTargetDictionary[this.geometry.morphTargets[c].name] = c } }; THREE.Mesh.prototype = new THREE.Object3D; THREE.Mesh.prototype.constructor = THREE.Mesh; THREE.Mesh.prototype.supr = THREE.Object3D.prototype; THREE.Mesh.prototype.getMorphTargetIndexByName = function(a) { if (this.morphTargetDictionary[a] !== void 0) return this.morphTargetDictionary[a]; console.log("THREE.Mesh.getMorphTargetIndexByName: morph target " + a + " does not exist. Returning 0."); return 0 }; THREE.Bone = function(a) { THREE.Object3D.call(this); this.skin = a; this.skinMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4 }; THREE.Bone.prototype = new THREE.Object3D; THREE.Bone.prototype.constructor = THREE.Bone; THREE.Bone.prototype.supr = THREE.Object3D.prototype; THREE.Bone.prototype.update = function(a, b) { this.matrixAutoUpdate && (b |= this.updateMatrix()); if (b || this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate) a ? this.skinMatrix.multiply(a, this.matrix) : this.skinMatrix.copy(this.matrix), this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = !1, b = !0; var c, d = this.children.length; for (c = 0; c < d; c++) this.children[c].update(this.skinMatrix, b) }; THREE.Sprite = function(a) { THREE.Object3D.call(this); this.color = a.color !== void 0 ? new THREE.Color(a.color) : new THREE.Color(16777215); this.map = a.map instanceof THREE.Texture ? a.map : THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(a.map); this.blending = a.blending !== void 0 ? a.blending : THREE.NormalBlending; this.useScreenCoordinates = a.useScreenCoordinates !== void 0 ? a.useScreenCoordinates : !0; this.mergeWith3D = a.mergeWith3D !== void 0 ? a.mergeWith3D : !this.useScreenCoordinates; this.affectedByDistance = a.affectedByDistance !== void 0 ? a.affectedByDistance : !this.useScreenCoordinates; this.scaleByViewport = a.scaleByViewport !== void 0 ? a.scaleByViewport : !this.affectedByDistance; this.alignment = a.alignment instanceof THREE.Vector2 ? a.alignment : THREE.SpriteAlignment.center; this.rotation3d = this.rotation; this.rotation = 0; this.opacity = 1; this.uvOffset = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0); this.uvScale = new THREE.Vector2(1, 1) }; THREE.Sprite.prototype = new THREE.Object3D; THREE.Sprite.prototype.constructor = THREE.Sprite; THREE.Sprite.prototype.updateMatrix = function() { this.matrix.setPosition(this.position); this.rotation3d.set(0, 0, this.rotation); this.matrix.setRotationFromEuler(this.rotation3d); if (this.scale.x !== 1 || this.scale.y !== 1) this.matrix.scale(this.scale), this.boundRadiusScale = Math.max(this.scale.x, this.scale.y); this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = !0 }; THREE.SpriteAlignment = {}; THREE.SpriteAlignment.topLeft = new THREE.Vector2(1, -1); THREE.SpriteAlignment.topCenter = new THREE.Vector2(0, -1); THREE.SpriteAlignment.topRight = new THREE.Vector2(-1, -1); THREE.SpriteAlignment.centerLeft = new THREE.Vector2(1, 0); THREE.SpriteAlignment.center = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0); THREE.SpriteAlignment.centerRight = new THREE.Vector2(-1, 0); THREE.SpriteAlignment.bottomLeft = new THREE.Vector2(1, 1); THREE.SpriteAlignment.bottomCenter = new THREE.Vector2(0, 1); THREE.SpriteAlignment.bottomRight = new THREE.Vector2(-1, 1); THREE.Scene = function() { THREE.Object3D.call(this); this.overrideMaterial = this.fog = null; this.matrixAutoUpdate = !1; this.objects = []; this.lights = []; this.__objectsAdded = []; this.__objectsRemoved = [] }; THREE.Scene.prototype = new THREE.Object3D; THREE.Scene.prototype.constructor = THREE.Scene; THREE.Scene.prototype.addObject = function(a) { if (a instanceof THREE.Light) this.lights.indexOf(a) === -1 && this.lights.push(a); else if (!(a instanceof THREE.Camera || a instanceof THREE.Bone) && this.objects.indexOf(a) === -1) { this.objects.push(a); this.__objectsAdded.push(a); var b = this.__objectsRemoved.indexOf(a); b !== -1 && this.__objectsRemoved.splice(b, 1) } for (b = 0; b < a.children.length; b++) this.addObject(a.children[b]) }; THREE.Scene.prototype.removeObject = function(a) { if (a instanceof THREE.Light) { var b = this.lights.indexOf(a); b !== -1 && this.lights.splice(b, 1) } else a instanceof THREE.Camera || (b = this.objects.indexOf(a), b !== -1 && (this.objects.splice(b, 1), this.__objectsRemoved.push(a), b = this.__objectsAdded.indexOf(a), b !== -1 && this.__objectsAdded.splice(b, 1))); for (b = 0; b < a.children.length; b++) this.removeObject(a.children[b]) }; THREE.CanvasRenderer = function(a) { function b(a) { if (C != a) k.globalAlpha = C = a } function c(a) { if (Q != a) { switch (a) { case THREE.NormalBlending: k.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; break; case THREE.AdditiveBlending: k.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter"; break; case THREE.SubtractiveBlending: k.globalCompositeOperation = "darker" } Q = a } } function d(a) { if (O != a) k.strokeStyle = O = a } function f(a) { if (w != a) k.fillStyle = w = a } var e = this, g, h, m, l = new THREE.Projector, a = a || {}, j = a.canvas !== void 0 ? a.canvas : document.createElement("canvas"), i, n, o, p, k = j.getContext("2d"), s = new THREE.Color(0), K = 0, C = 1, Q = 0, O = null, w = null, F = null, z = null, D = null, u, r, E, N, W = new THREE.RenderableVertex, da = new THREE.RenderableVertex, G, H, I, Y, L, B, S, v, R, P, V, J, t = new THREE.Color, A = new THREE.Color, x = new THREE.Color, y = new THREE.Color, M = new THREE.Color, la = [], fa = [], ga, ha, ea, aa, Ba, Ca, Da, Ea, Fa, Ga, ma = new THREE.Rectangle, Z = new THREE.Rectangle, X = new THREE.Rectangle, ya = !1, $ = new THREE.Color, ta = new THREE.Color, ua = new THREE.Color, T = new THREE.Vector3, qa, ra, za, ba, sa, va, a = 16; qa = document.createElement("canvas"); qa.width = qa.height = 2; ra = qa.getContext("2d"); ra.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,1)"; ra.fillRect(0, 0, 2, 2); za = ra.getImageData(0, 0, 2, 2); ba = za.data; sa = document.createElement("canvas"); sa.width = sa.height = a; va = sa.getContext("2d"); va.translate(-a / 2, -a / 2); va.scale(a, a); a--; this.domElement = j; this.sortElements = this.sortObjects = this.autoClear = !0; this.info = { render: { vertices: 0, faces: 0 } }; this.setSize = function(a, b) { i = a; n = b; o = Math.floor(i / 2); p = Math.floor(n / 2); j.width = i; j.height = n; ma.set(-o, -p, o, p); Z.set(-o, -p, o, p); C = 1; Q = 0; D = z = F = w = O = null }; this.setClearColor = function(a, b) { s.copy(a); K = b; Z.set(-o, -p, o, p) }; this.setClearColorHex = function(a, b) { s.setHex(a); K = b; Z.set(-o, -p, o, p) }; this.clear = function() { k.setTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, o, p); Z.isEmpty() || (Z.minSelf(ma), Z.inflate(2), K < 1 && k.clearRect(Math.floor(Z.getX()), Math.floor(Z.getY()), Math.floor(Z.getWidth()), Math.floor(Z.getHeight())), K > 0 && (c(THREE.NormalBlending), b(1), f("rgba(" + Math.floor(s.r * 255) + "," + Math.floor(s.g * 255) + "," + Math.floor(s.b * 255) + "," + K + ")"), k.fillRect(Math.floor(Z.getX()), Math.floor(Z.getY()), Math.floor(Z.getWidth()), Math.floor(Z.getHeight()))), Z.empty()) }; this.render = function(a, j) { function i(a) { var b, c, d, e; $.setRGB(0, 0, 0); ta.setRGB(0, 0, 0); ua.setRGB(0, 0, 0); b = 0; for (c = a.length; b < c; b++) d = a[b], e = d.color, d instanceof THREE.AmbientLight ? ($.r += e.r, $.g += e.g, $.b += e.b) : d instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ? (ta.r += e.r, ta.g += e.g, ta.b += e.b) : d instanceof THREE.PointLight && (ua.r += e.r, ua.g += e.g, ua.b += e.b) } function n(a, b, c, d) { var e, f, g, h, k, j; e = 0; for (f = a.length; e < f; e++) g = a[e], h = g.color, g instanceof THREE.DirectionalLight ? (k = g.matrixWorld.getPosition(), j = c.dot(k), j <= 0 || (j *= g.intensity, d.r += h.r * j, d.g += h.g * j, d.b += h.b * j)) : g instanceof THREE.PointLight && (k = g.matrixWorld.getPosition(), j = c.dot(T.sub(k, b).normalize()), j <= 0 || (j *= g.distance == 0 ? 1 : 1 - Math.min(b.distanceTo(k) / g.distance, 1), j != 0 && (j *= g.intensity, d.r += h.r * j, d.g += h.g * j, d.b += h.b * j))) } function s(a, e, g) { b(g.opacity); c(g.blending); var h, j, i, m, q, n; if (g instanceof THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial) { if (g.map) m = g.map.image, q = m.width >> 1, n = m.height >> 1, g = e.scale.x * o, i = e.scale.y * p, h = g * q, j = i * n, X.set(a.x - h, a.y - j, a.x + h, a.y + j), ma.intersects(X) && (k.save(), k.translate(a.x, a.y), k.rotate(-e.rotation), k.scale(g, -i), k.translate(-q, -n), k.drawImage(m, 0, 0), k.restore()) } else g instanceof THREE.ParticleCanvasMaterial && (h = e.scale.x * o, j = e.scale.y * p, X.set(a.x - h, a.y - j, a.x + h, a.y + j), ma.intersects(X) && (d(g.color.getContextStyle()), f(g.color.getContextStyle()), k.save(), k.translate(a.x, a.y), k.rotate(-e.rotation), k.scale(h, j), g.program(k), k.restore())) } function w(a, e, f, g) { b(g.opacity); c(g.blending); k.beginPath(); k.moveTo(a.positionScreen.x, a.positionScreen.y); k.lineTo(e.positionScreen.x, e.positionScreen.y); k.closePath(); if (g instanceof THREE.LineBasicMaterial) { a = g.linewidth; if (F != a) k.lineWidth = F = a; a = g.linecap; if (z != a) k.lineCap = z = a; a = g.linejoin; if (D != a) k.lineJoin = D = a; d(g.color.getContextStyle()); k.stroke(); X.inflate(g.linewidth * 2) } } function C(a, d, f, g, h, k, i, q) { e.info.render.vertices += 3; e.info.render.faces++; b(q.opacity); c(q.blending); G = a.positionScreen.x; H = a.positionScreen.y; I = d.positionScreen.x; Y = d.positionScreen.y; L = f.positionScreen.x; B = f.positionScreen.y; K(G, H, I, Y, L, B); if (q instanceof THREE.MeshBasicMaterial) if (q.map) q.map.mapping instanceof THREE.UVMapping && (aa = i.uvs[0], Aa(G, H, I, Y, L, B, aa[g].u, aa[g].v, aa[h].u, aa[h].v, aa[k].u, aa[k].v, q.map)); else if (q.envMap) { if (q.envMap.mapping instanceof THREE.SphericalReflectionMapping) a = j.matrixWorldInverse, T.copy(i.vertexNormalsWorld[g]), Ba = (T.x * a.n11 + T.y * a.n12 + T.z * a.n13) * 0.5 + 0.5, Ca = -(T.x * a.n21 + T.y * a.n22 + T.z * a.n23) * 0.5 + 0.5, T.copy(i.vertexNormalsWorld[h]), Da = (T.x * a.n11 + T.y * a.n12 + T.z * a.n13) * 0.5 + 0.5, Ea = -(T.x * a.n21 + T.y * a.n22 + T.z * a.n23) * 0.5 + 0.5, T.copy(i.vertexNormalsWorld[k]), Fa = (T.x * a.n11 + T.y * a.n12 + T.z * a.n13) * 0.5 + 0.5, Ga = -(T.x * a.n21 + T.y * a.n22 + T.z * a.n23) * 0.5 + 0.5, Aa(G, H, I, Y, L, B, Ba, Ca, Da, Ea, Fa, Ga, q.envMap) } else q.wireframe ? ja(q.color, q.wireframeLinewidth, q.wireframeLinecap, q.wireframeLinejoin) : ia(q.color); else if (q instanceof THREE.MeshLambertMaterial) q.map && !q.wireframe && (q.map.mapping instanceof THREE.UVMapping && (aa = i.uvs[0], Aa(G, H, I, Y, L, B, aa[g].u, aa[g].v, aa[h].u, aa[h].v, aa[k].u, aa[k].v, q.map)), c(THREE.SubtractiveBlending)), ya ? !q.wireframe && q.shading == THREE.SmoothShading && i.vertexNormalsWorld.length == 3 ? (A.r = x.r = y.r = $.r, A.g = x.g = y.g = $.g, A.b = x.b = y.b = $.b, n(m, i.v1.positionWorld, i.vertexNormalsWorld[0], A), n(m, i.v2.positionWorld, i.vertexNormalsWorld[1], x), n(m, i.v3.positionWorld, i.vertexNormalsWorld[2], y), A.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.r * A.r, 1)), A.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.g * A.g, 1)), A.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.b * A.b, 1)), x.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.r * x.r, 1)), x.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.g * x.g, 1)), x.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.b * x.b, 1)), y.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.r * y.r, 1)), y.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.g * y.g, 1)), y.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.b * y.b, 1)), M.r = (x.r + y.r) * 0.5, M.g = (x.g + y.g) * 0.5, M.b = (x.b + y.b) * 0.5, ea = wa(A, x, y, M), oa(G, H, I, Y, L, B, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ea)) : (t.r = $.r, t.g = $.g, t.b = $.b, n(m, i.centroidWorld, i.normalWorld, t), t.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.r * t.r, 1)), t.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.g * t.g, 1)), t.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.b * t.b, 1)), q.wireframe ? ja(t, q.wireframeLinewidth, q.wireframeLinecap, q.wireframeLinejoin) : ia(t)) : q.wireframe ? ja(q.color, q.wireframeLinewidth, q.wireframeLinecap, q.wireframeLinejoin) : ia(q.color); else if (q instanceof THREE.MeshDepthMaterial) ga = j.near, ha = j.far, A.r = A.g = A.b = 1 - na(a.positionScreen.z, ga, ha), x.r = x.g = x.b = 1 - na(d.positionScreen.z, ga, ha), y.r = y.g = y.b = 1 - na(f.positionScreen.z, ga, ha), M.r = (x.r + y.r) * 0.5, M.g = (x.g + y.g) * 0.5, M.b = (x.b + y.b) * 0.5, ea = wa(A, x, y, M), oa(G, H, I, Y, L, B, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ea); else if (q instanceof THREE.MeshNormalMaterial) t.r = pa(i.normalWorld.x), t.g = pa(i.normalWorld.y), t.b = pa(i.normalWorld.z), q.wireframe ? ja(t, q.wireframeLinewidth, q.wireframeLinecap, q.wireframeLinejoin) : ia(t) } function Q(a, d, f, g, h, k, i, q, o) { e.info.render.vertices += 4; e.info.render.faces++; b(q.opacity); c(q.blending); if (q.map || q.envMap) C(a, d, g, 0, 1, 3, i, q, o), C(h, f, k, 1, 2, 3, i, q, o); else if (G = a.positionScreen.x, H = a.positionScreen.y, I = d.positionScreen.x, Y = d.positionScreen.y, L = f.positionScreen.x, B = f.positionScreen.y, S = g.positionScreen.x, v = g.positionScreen.y, R = h.positionScreen.x, P = h.positionScreen.y, V = k.positionScreen.x, J = k.positionScreen.y, q instanceof THREE.MeshBasicMaterial) O(G, H, I, Y, L, B, S, v), q.wireframe ? ja(q.color, q.wireframeLinewidth, q.wireframeLinecap, q.wireframeLinejoin) : ia(q.color); else if (q instanceof THREE.MeshLambertMaterial) ya ? !q.wireframe && q.shading == THREE.SmoothShading && i.vertexNormalsWorld.length == 4 ? (A.r = x.r = y.r = M.r = $.r, A.g = x.g = y.g = M.g = $.g, A.b = x.b = y.b = M.b = $.b, n(m, i.v1.positionWorld, i.vertexNormalsWorld[0], A), n(m, i.v2.positionWorld, i.vertexNormalsWorld[1], x), n(m, i.v4.positionWorld, i.vertexNormalsWorld[3], y), n(m, i.v3.positionWorld, i.vertexNormalsWorld[2], M), A.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.r * A.r, 1)), A.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.g * A.g, 1)), A.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.b * A.b, 1)), x.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.r * x.r, 1)), x.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.g * x.g, 1)), x.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.b * x.b, 1)), y.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.r * y.r, 1)), y.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.g * y.g, 1)), y.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.b * y.b, 1)), M.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.r * M.r, 1)), M.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.g * M.g, 1)), M.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.b * M.b, 1)), ea = wa(A, x, y, M), K(G, H, I, Y, S, v), oa(G, H, I, Y, S, v, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ea), K(R, P, L, B, V, J), oa(R, P, L, B, V, J, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, ea)) : (t.r = $.r, t.g = $.g, t.b = $.b, n(m, i.centroidWorld, i.normalWorld, t), t.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.r * t.r, 1)), t.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.g * t.g, 1)), t.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(q.color.b * t.b, 1)), O(G, H, I, Y, L, B, S, v), q.wireframe ? ja(t, q.wireframeLinewidth, q.wireframeLinecap, q.wireframeLinejoin) : ia(t)) : (O(G, H, I, Y, L, B, S, v), q.wireframe ? ja(q.color, q.wireframeLinewidth, q.wireframeLinecap, q.wireframeLinejoin) : ia(q.color)); else if (q instanceof THREE.MeshNormalMaterial) t.r = pa(i.normalWorld.x), t.g = pa(i.normalWorld.y), t.b = pa(i.normalWorld.z), O(G, H, I, Y, L, B, S, v), q.wireframe ? ja(t, q.wireframeLinewidth, q.wireframeLinecap, q.wireframeLinejoin) : ia(t); else if (q instanceof THREE.MeshDepthMaterial) ga = j.near, ha = j.far, A.r = A.g = A.b = 1 - na(a.positionScreen.z, ga, ha), x.r = x.g = x.b = 1 - na(d.positionScreen.z, ga, ha), y.r = y.g = y.b = 1 - na(g.positionScreen.z, ga, ha), M.r = M.g = M.b = 1 - na(f.positionScreen.z, ga, ha), ea = wa(A, x, y, M), K(G, H, I, Y, S, v), oa(G, H, I, Y, S, v, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, ea), K(R, P, L, B, V, J), oa(R, P, L, B, V, J, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, ea) } function K(a, b, c, d, e, f) { k.beginPath(); k.moveTo(a, b); k.lineTo(c, d); k.lineTo(e, f); k.lineTo(a, b); k.closePath() } function O(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { k.beginPath(); k.moveTo(a, b); k.lineTo(c, d); k.lineTo(e, f); k.lineTo(g, h); k.lineTo(a, b); k.closePath() } function ja(a, b, c, e) { if (F != b) k.lineWidth = F = b; if (z != c) k.lineCap = z = c; if (D != e) k.lineJoin = D = e; d(a.getContextStyle()); k.stroke(); X.inflate(b * 2) } function ia(a) { f(a.getContextStyle()); k.fill() } function Aa(a, b, c, d, e, g, h, i, j, m, o, n, l) { if (l.image.width != 0) { if (l.needsUpdate == !0 || la[l.id] == void 0) { var p = l.wrapS == THREE.RepeatWrapping, r = l.wrapT == THREE.RepeatWrapping; la[l.id] = k.createPattern(l.image, p && r ? "repeat" : p && !r ? "repeat-x" : !p && r ? "repeat-y" : "no-repeat"); l.needsUpdate = !1 } f(la[l.id]); var p = l.offset.x / l.repeat.x, r = l.offset.y / l.repeat.y, s = l.image.width * l.repeat.x, u = l.image.height * l.repeat.y, h = (h + p) * s, i = (i + r) * u, j = (j + p) * s, m = (m + r) * u, o = (o + p) * s, n = (n + r) * u; c -= a; d -= b; e -= a; g -= b; j -= h; m -= i; o -= h; n -= i; p = j * n - o * m; if (p == 0) { if (fa[l.id] == void 0) b = document.createElement("canvas"), b.width = l.image.width, b.height = l.image.height, a = b.getContext("2d"), a.drawImage(l.image, 0, 0), fa[l.id] = a.getImageData(0, 0, l.image.width, l.image.height).data, delete b; b = fa[l.id]; h = (Math.floor(h) + Math.floor(i) * l.image.width) * 4; t.setRGB(b[h] / 255, b[h + 1] / 255, b[h + 2] / 255); ia(t) } else p = 1 / p, l = (n * c - m * e) * p, m = (n * d - m * g) * p, c = (j * e - o * c) * p, d = (j * g - o * d) * p, a = a - l * h - c * i, h = b - m * h - d * i, k.save(), k.transform(l, m, c, d, a, h), k.fill(), k.restore() } } function oa(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, o) { var n, p; n = o.width - 1; p = o.height - 1; g *= n; h *= p; i *= n; j *= p; l *= n; m *= p; c -= a; d -= b; e -= a; f -= b; i -= g; j -= h; l -= g; m -= h; p = 1 / (i * m - l * j); n = (m * c - j * e) * p; j = (m * d - j * f) * p; c = (i * e - l * c) * p; d = (i * f - l * d) * p; a = a - n * g - c * h; b = b - j * g - d * h; k.save(); k.transform(n, j, c, d, a, b); k.clip(); k.drawImage(o, 0, 0); k.restore() } function wa(a, b, c, d) { var e = ~~(a.r * 255), f = ~~(a.g * 255), a = ~~(a.b * 255), g = ~~(b.r * 255), h = ~~(b.g * 255), b = ~~(b.b * 255), i = ~~(c.r * 255), j = ~~(c.g * 255), c = ~~(c.b * 255), k = ~~(d.r * 255), l = ~~(d.g * 255), d = ~~(d.b * 255); ba[0] = e < 0 ? 0 : e > 255 ? 255 : e; ba[1] = f < 0 ? 0 : f > 255 ? 255 : f; ba[2] = a < 0 ? 0 : a > 255 ? 255 : a; ba[4] = g < 0 ? 0 : g > 255 ? 255 : g; ba[5] = h < 0 ? 0 : h > 255 ? 255 : h; ba[6] = b < 0 ? 0 : b > 255 ? 255 : b; ba[8] = i < 0 ? 0 : i > 255 ? 255 : i; ba[9] = j < 0 ? 0 : j > 255 ? 255 : j; ba[10] = c < 0 ? 0 : c > 255 ? 255 : c; ba[12] = k < 0 ? 0 : k > 255 ? 255 : k; ba[13] = l < 0 ? 0 : l > 255 ? 255 : l; ba[14] = d < 0 ? 0 : d > 255 ? 255 : d; ra.putImageData(za, 0, 0); va.drawImage(qa, 0, 0); return sa } function na(a, b, c) { a = (a - b) / (c - b); return a * a * (3 - 2 * a) } function pa(a) { a = (a + 1) * 0.5; return a < 0 ? 0 : a > 1 ? 1 : a } function ka(a, b) { var c = b.x - a.x, d = b.y - a.y, e = c * c + d * d; e != 0 && (e = 1 / Math.sqrt(e), c *= e, d *= e, b.x += c, b.y += d, a.x -= c, a.y -= d) } var xa, Ha, U, ca; this.autoClear ? this.clear() : k.setTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, o, p); e.info.render.vertices = 0; e.info.render.faces = 0; g = l.projectScene(a, j, this.sortElements); h = g.elements; m = g.lights; (ya = m.length > 0) && i(m); xa = 0; for (Ha = h.length; xa < Ha; xa++) if (U = h[xa], ca = U.material, ca = ca instanceof THREE.MeshFaceMaterial ? U.faceMaterial : ca, !(ca == null || ca.opacity == 0)) { X.empty(); if (U instanceof THREE.RenderableParticle) u = U, u.x *= o, u.y *= p, s(u, U, ca, a); else if (U instanceof THREE.RenderableLine) u = U.v1, r = U.v2, u.positionScreen.x *= o, u.positionScreen.y *= p, r.positionScreen.x *= o, r.positionScreen.y *= p, X.addPoint(u.positionScreen.x, u.positionScreen.y), X.addPoint(r.positionScreen.x, r.positionScreen.y), ma.intersects(X) && w(u, r, U, ca, a); else if (U instanceof THREE.RenderableFace3) u = U.v1, r = U.v2, E = U.v3, u.positionScreen.x *= o, u.positionScreen.y *= p, r.positionScreen.x *= o, r.positionScreen.y *= p, E.positionScreen.x *= o, E.positionScreen.y *= p, ca.overdraw && (ka(u.positionScreen, r.positionScreen), ka(r.positionScreen, E.positionScreen), ka(E.positionScreen, u.positionScreen)), X.add3Points(u.positionScreen.x, u.positionScreen.y, r.positionScreen.x, r.positionScreen.y, E.positionScreen.x, E.positionScreen.y), ma.intersects(X) && C(u, r, E, 0, 1, 2, U, ca, a); else if (U instanceof THREE.RenderableFace4) u = U.v1, r = U.v2, E = U.v3, N = U.v4, u.positionScreen.x *= o, u.positionScreen.y *= p, r.positionScreen.x *= o, r.positionScreen.y *= p, E.positionScreen.x *= o, E.positionScreen.y *= p, N.positionScreen.x *= o, N.positionScreen.y *= p, W.positionScreen.copy(r.positionScreen), da.positionScreen.copy(N.positionScreen), ca.overdraw && (ka(u.positionScreen, r.positionScreen), ka(r.positionScreen, N.positionScreen), ka(N.positionScreen, u.positionScreen), ka(E.positionScreen, W.positionScreen), ka(E.positionScreen, da.positionScreen)), X.addPoint(u.positionScreen.x, u.positionScreen.y), X.addPoint(r.positionScreen.x, r.positionScreen.y), X.addPoint(E.positionScreen.x, E.positionScreen.y), X.addPoint(N.positionScreen.x, N.positionScreen.y), ma.intersects(X) && Q(u, r, E, N, W, da, U, ca, a); Z.addRectangle(X) } k.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) } }; THREE.RenderableVertex = function() { this.positionWorld = new THREE.Vector3; this.positionScreen = new THREE.Vector4; this.visible = !0 }; THREE.RenderableVertex.prototype.copy = function(a) { this.positionWorld.copy(a.positionWorld); this.positionScreen.copy(a.positionScreen) }; THREE.RenderableFace3 = function() { this.v1 = new THREE.RenderableVertex; this.v2 = new THREE.RenderableVertex; this.v3 = new THREE.RenderableVertex; this.centroidWorld = new THREE.Vector3; this.centroidScreen = new THREE.Vector3; this.normalWorld = new THREE.Vector3; this.vertexNormalsWorld = [new THREE.Vector3, new THREE.Vector3, new THREE.Vector3]; this.faceMaterial = this.material = null; this.uvs = [ [] ]; this.z = null }; THREE.RenderableFace4 = function() { this.v1 = new THREE.RenderableVertex; this.v2 = new THREE.RenderableVertex; this.v3 = new THREE.RenderableVertex; this.v4 = new THREE.RenderableVertex; this.centroidWorld = new THREE.Vector3; this.centroidScreen = new THREE.Vector3; this.normalWorld = new THREE.Vector3; this.vertexNormalsWorld = [new THREE.Vector3, new THREE.Vector3, new THREE.Vector3, new THREE.Vector3]; this.faceMaterial = this.material = null; this.uvs = [ [] ]; this.z = null }; THREE.RenderableObject = function() { this.z = this.object = null }; THREE.RenderableParticle = function() { this.rotation = this.z = this.y = this.x = null; this.scale = new THREE.Vector2; this.material = null }; THREE.RenderableLine = function() { this.z = null; this.v1 = new THREE.RenderableVertex; this.v2 = new THREE.RenderableVertex; this.material = null }; function randomRange(t, i) { return Math.random() * (i - t) + t } Particle3D = function(t) { THREE.Particle.call(this, t), this.velocity = new THREE.Vector3(0, -2, 0), this.velocity.rotateX(randomRange(-45, 45)), this.velocity.rotateY(randomRange(0, 360)), this.gravity = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0), this.drag = 1 }, Particle3D.prototype = new THREE.Particle, Particle3D.prototype.constructor = Particle3D, Particle3D.prototype.updatePhysics = function() { this.velocity.multiplyScalar(this.drag), this.velocity.addSelf(this.gravity), this.position.addSelf(this.velocity) }; var TO_RADIANS = Math.PI / 180; THREE.Vector3.prototype.rotateY = function(t) { cosRY = Math.cos(t * TO_RADIANS), sinRY = Math.sin(t * TO_RADIANS); var i = this.z, o = this.x; this.x = o * cosRY + i * sinRY, this.z = o * -sinRY + i * cosRY }, THREE.Vector3.prototype.rotateX = function(t) { cosRY = Math.cos(t * TO_RADIANS), sinRY = Math.sin(t * TO_RADIANS); var i = this.z, o = this.y; this.y = o * cosRY + i * sinRY, this.z = o * -sinRY + i * cosRY }, THREE.Vector3.prototype.rotateZ = function(t) { cosRY = Math.cos(t * TO_RADIANS), sinRY = Math.sin(t * TO_RADIANS); var i = this.x, o = this.y; this.y = o * cosRY + i * sinRY, this.x = o * -sinRY + i * cosRY }; $(function() { var container = document.querySelector(".xiaxue"); if (/MSIE 6|MSIE 7|MSIE 8/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return } else { if (/MSIE 9|MSIE 10/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { $(container).css("height", $(window).height()).bind("click", function() { $(this).remove() }) } } var containerWidth = $(container).width(); var containerHeight = $(container).height(); var particle; var camera; var scene; var renderer; var mouseX = 0; var mouseY = 0; var windowHalfX = window.innerWidth / 2; var windowHalfY = window.innerHeight / 2; var particles = []; var particleImage = new Image(); particleImage.src = "https://files.webeffect.muanxue.cn/assets/img/xuehua.png"; var snowNum = 500; function init() { camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, containerWidth / containerHeight, 1, 10000); camera.position.z = 1000; scene = new THREE.Scene(); scene.add(camera); renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer(); renderer.setSize(containerWidth, containerHeight); var material = new THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial({ map: new THREE.Texture(particleImage) }); for (var i = 0; i < snowNum; i++) { particle = new Particle3D(material); particle.position.x = Math.random() * 2000 - 1000; particle.position.y = Math.random() * 2000 - 1000; particle.position.z = Math.random() * 2000 - 1000; particle.scale.x = particle.scale.y = 1; scene.add(particle); particles.push(particle) } container.appendChild(renderer.domElement); document.addEventListener("mousemove", onDocumentMouseMove, false); document.addEventListener("touchstart", onDocumentTouchStart, false); document.addEventListener("touchmove", onDocumentTouchMove, false); setInterval(loop, 1000 / 40) } function onDocumentMouseMove(event) { mouseX = event.clientX - windowHalfX; mouseY = event.clientY - windowHalfY } function onDocumentTouchStart(event) { if (event.touches.length == 1) { event.preventDefault(); mouseX = event.touches[0].pageX - windowHalfX; mouseY = event.touches[0].pageY - windowHalfY } } function onDocumentTouchMove(event) { if (event.touches.length == 1) { event.preventDefault(); mouseX = event.touches[0].pageX - windowHalfX; mouseY = event.touches[0].pageY - windowHalfY } } function loop() { for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) { var particle = particles[i]; particle.updatePhysics(); with(particle.position) { if (y < -1000) { y += 2000 } if (x > 1000) { x -= 2000 } else { if (x < -1000) { x += 2000 } } if (z > 1000) { z -= 2000 } else { if (z < -1000) { z += 2000 } } } } camera.position.x += (mouseX - camera.position.x) * 0.005; camera.position.y += (-mouseY - camera.position.y) * 0.005; camera.lookAt(scene.position); renderer.render(scene, camera) } init() });调用教程调用本地(推荐)将JS代码保存在xiaxue.js(请根据实际更改)文件里然后将以下代码放在你喜欢的地方(推荐foot或head文件)<script src="./xiaxue.js"></script>//请根据实际更改 <style> .xiaxue{position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;pointer-events:none;z-index:100001;} </style> <div class="xiaxue"></div>调用云端(不推荐)调用云端是使用本站的云储存,主要方便于使用者测试,如果需要稳定请使用本地调用。<script src="https://files.webeffect.muanxue.cn/assets/js/xiaxue.js"></script> <style> .xiaxue{position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;pointer-events:none;z-index:100001;} </style> <div class="xiaxue"></div>//可以直接调用注意为了代码长期的有效性,在2753行中,建议将雪花图片https://files.webeffect.muanxue.cn/assets/img/xiaxue.png 下载到本地,然后再将https://files.webeffect.muanxue.cn/assets/img/xiaxue.png 替换为本地路径如果特效没有显示,那么请引入jQuery库:<script src="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>如果你不了解HTML和CSS请不要修改以下内容,否则将无法显示<style type="text/css"> .xiaxue{position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;pointer-events:none;z-index:100001;} </style>